Former Abortionist Reveals the Heartbreaking Ways Women Respond After Their Abortions


Tuesday, October 28, 2014
(LiveActionNews) — by Sarah Terzo | | 10/27/14 10:43 AM
Carol Everett owned two abortion clinics and was the director of four. She eventually
became pro-life and now speaks about her experiences.
Carol Everett
Like nearly all abortion clinics,
Everett’s clinics had “recovery rooms”
where women could stay after their
abortions until the anesthesia wore off
or they felt well enough to leave.
Everett says there were two main
reactions among women right after
their abortions:
…[T]here are two reactions in
the recovery room.
The first one is: I’ve killed my baby. And even then, it amazed me that that
was the first time they called it a baby and the first time they
called it murder. But, you know, as bad as that sounds, that’s probably the healthiest reaction. That woman is probably going
to have the ability to walk out of there and deal with it, and perhaps be healed and go on.
These women may have been going through their abortion procedures in a state of denial. Afterwards,
they could no longer sustain that denial and were forced to face the truth about what they had done.
Everett believes that by facing reality instead of repressing it, these women may be on the path to healing.
But she goes on to talk about the second group of women:
But the second reaction is: I am hungry, you kept me in here for four hours and you told me I’d
only be here for two; let me out of here. Now that woman is doing what I did. She’s running
from her abortion. She’s not dealing with it; she’s choosing to deny it, and she’s the woman
that we read all the statistics about, post-abortion syndrome. They say now it’s an average of
five years before people actually deal with the fact that, yes, they did kill their baby. And yes,
they do have to deal with that. You know, I go back to my own personal healing, which just
started a year ago. I was making deals with God. I didn’t want to talk about my own abortion.
Then when I finally did deal with it, I cried nonstop for five months because, you see, I killed
my baby, and I’m still not through that. And how difficult it is for all these women because, you
see, I believe that every woman, even if she’s not physically harmed, is harmed by abortion.
The five year statistic seems to be anecdotal, but Everett knows, from bitter personal experience, that
repressing the trauma of abortion only leads to more heartache later. Women who have abortions have a
higher risk of suicide (6 – 7 times higher in adults and 10 times higher in teens) as well as higher rates of
depression, sleep disorders, and psychiatric hospitalizations. Pro-life groups need to reach out to these
women with compassion, regardless of how they are coping (or not coping) with their abortions.