End of Day Archives
Obama Blames The Media, Media Waking Up, Hillary Slams Obama’s Foreign Policy |
Obama Blames The Media In a wide-ranging interview with liberal New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, Barack Obama lamented being blocked from fully implementing his left-wing agenda. Among the culprits Obama cited for standing in his way was -- I kid you not -- the media. Here's what Obama told Friedman: |
Friday August 8, 2014 |
Barbarians March, Christians Die, Obama Talks Just a few days ago the “world community” from the U.N. to the White House were in spasms of righteous indignation about Gaza. More specifically they were indignant about civilians dying in Israeli airstrikes and not so indignant about Hamas’s use of the civilian population as human shields. |
Thursday August 7, 2014 |
A Victory For Marriage On The Horizon? During a hearing of the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals yesterday, attorneys representing four states—Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Tennessee—argued before a panel of three judges that popular votes in those states preserving traditional marriage should stand. |
Wednesday August 6, 2014 |
Poll Bad News For Left; How Will Conservatives Respond? A new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll highlights the depth of America’s anxiety about the economy and political situation. First off, this poll is of adults. Polls of adults tend to overstate Democratic strength, electorally speaking, while polls of registered voters or likely voters tend to favor Republicans. But even though it’s a liberal-friendly poll, it still spells bad news for President Obama and his liberal allies. Here are some highlights: |
Wednesday August 6, 2014 |
Poll Bad News For Left; How Will Conservatives Respond? A new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll highlights the depth of America’s anxiety about the economy and political situation. First off, this poll is of adults. Polls of adults tend to overstate Democratic strength, electorally speaking, while polls of registered voters or likely voters tend to favor Republicans. But even though it’s a liberal-friendly poll, it still spells bad news for President Obama and his liberal allies. Here are some highlights: |
Tuesday August 5, 2014 |
Is It Just Me Or… Apparently we don’t have enough to deal with right now between the wars in the Middle East, a dysfunctional White House and thousands of children streaming over our southern border. On top of all that, we now have an Ebola outbreak to contend with. |
Monday August 4, 2014 |
Conservatives Prevail In House Late Friday House conservatives were able to push Speaker John Boehner and his leadership team to pass a better immigration bill. Among other things, this bill provides financial help to border-states that deploy the National Guard to address this crisis. The legislation also attempts to restrict President Obama from unilaterally granting an amnesty to as many as five million illegal immigrants. And it made important changes in current law to speed up deportation. |
August 1, 2014 |
Clinton Bragged While New York Burned “He's a very smart guy, I've spent a lot of time thinking about him - and I nearly got him once. I nearly got him. And I could have killed him.” Those are the words of former President Bill Clinton speaking to an audience of businessmen in Australia on September 10, 2001. The “very smart guy” Clinton “could have killed”? That was Osama bin Laden who, just a few hours later, would become responsible for the deaths of nearly 3,000 Americans in the most devastating attack on American soil in history. |
Thursday, July 31, 2014 |
"Kill The Bill" That was the advice various conservative activists and leaders are offering House Republicans regarding today's planned vote on an emergency spending bill to address the border crisis. Writing at The Weekly Standard, Bill Kristol makes the following points: |
Wednesday, July 30, 2014 |
Sessions Slams House Leadership Surrender When it comes to immigration, Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) is one of the best champions of the rule of law. He has steadfastly fought the Senate's comprehensive immigration reform bill as a sellout of American workers and the middle class. And Sessions has been one of the most vocal critics of any abuse of executive authority to impose another mass amnesty. That's why his comments slamming the House's legislation to address the border crisis got my attention. Here's is an excerpt of Senator Sessions' statement: |