End of Day Archives

Neo-Marxist Tyranny, The Weaponization Of The Law, Bragg’s Bad Bet

Neo-Marxist Tyranny


Trump In Court, About That Balloon, Decision Day In The Badger State

Trump In Court


Former President Donald Trump was formally arraigned today in a Manhattan courtroom on charges that he violated federal campaign finance laws in 2016. Trump plead not guilty to all charges. 


A large crowd of pro-Trump supporters and anti-Trump demonstrators gathered on the streets outside the courthouse. There are unconfirmed reports that some New York City police officers called in sick rather than participate in this partisan, sham prosecution of the former president.


Shattered Traditions, Enemies Of The State, The Nashville Insurrection

Shattered Traditions


Neo-Marxist Tyranny, The Double Standard, Republicans React

Neo-Marxist Tyranny


Late yesterday evening, news broke that a Manhattan grand jury, under the direction of Soros-funded District Attorney Alvin Bragg, has issued a formal indictment against former President Donald Trump. America is in dangerous, uncharted territory.


Never before has a former president or leading presidential primary candidate been indicted. We have a long tradition in America of not criminalizing politics. But, like every other tradition and standard of normalcy, the left has now shattered that, too.


Biden’s Weakness, Tuberville Stands For Life, Ending The COVID Emergency

Biden’s Weakness


Top defense and military officials have been testifying on Capitol Hill this week. Their comments were far from reassuring. 


As we noted, an Iranian drone attack killed an American contractor and wounded several others last week. In response, the U.S. struck multiple enemy targets in Syria. While that exchange made news, what isn’t being reported is the frequency of such Iranian attacks. 


Biden Laughs Again, Left-wing Lies, Liz Goes Left

Biden Laughs Again


Horror In Nashville, Media Malfeasance, Our Growing Virtue Deficit

Horror In Nashville


Biden’s Lies, A Small Victory, Biden Nominee Goes Down In Flames

Biden’s Lies


Nothing To Bragg About, Biden’s Lies, The Left’s War On Normalcy

Nothing To Bragg About


It’s Not About Trump, The Neo-Marxist Left, Border Security Is National Security

It’s Not About Trump

