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Biden’s Corruption
Mike McCormick is not a household name. But the former White House stenographer was uniquely positioned to learn a lot about Joe Biden during his years of service inside the Obama White House.
McCormick claims that “Joe Biden committed crimes in Ukraine,” crimes he says he witnessed while accompanying then-Vice President Biden on an April 2014 trip to Kiev.
A top priority for Biden was pushing Ukraine to massively increase its production of natural gas. (That’s odd given how much Biden hates America’s natural gas industry.) Later that year, Congress approved $50 million to provide technical assistance to Ukraine’s energy sector.
What wasn’t known at the time was that Hunter Biden had joined the board of Ukrainian energy giant Burisma just three days before his father’s April trip to Kiev. The timing of Hunter’s financial windfall and his father’s sudden interest in Ukrainian natural gas is certainly curious to say the least.
However, the FBI isn’t the least bit curious about any of it. McCormick submitted a tip form to the FBI two months ago and is offering to testify under oath about what he knows. But no one has contacted him.
Meanwhile, new reports indicate that Hunter Biden’s business associates visited the Obama/Biden White House more than 80 times! The idea that Joe Biden “never discussed” Hunter’s business dealings with him just doesn’t pass the straight face test.
But McCormick also insists that the focus on Hunter Biden’s corruption is misdirected, and he’s absolutely right. The scandal isn’t that the president’s son is corrupt and compromised. It’s that the president himself is corrupt and compromised!
The real focus should be on Joe Biden, who was always intimately involved and central to the business dealings of “Biden, Inc.” Without Joe’s years of so-called “public service” in highly influential positions, the family’s influence peddling scheme would have been impossible.
Damaging Our Security
The Biden Administration, its left-wing media allies and the entire Deep State establishment have been very concerned about the handling of classified documents, which is understandable.
But as we know, their concern is limited to Donald Trump, who as president had an absolute constitutional right to declassify any document.
The dispute between Trump and the federal government over who owns the documents at Mar-a-Lago is nothing new. It has been the same dispute between the federal government and every outgoing president since Jimmy Carter.
And as we know, Joe Biden had classified documents in multiple locations that he presumably believed were his and not the federal government’s.
I bring all this up again because of the irony of the past week.
We just learned that while everyone in Washington was investigating Trump over his documents, someone deep in the administration was robbing us blind of sensitive classified materials and releasing them for all the world to see – friends and enemies alike.
While Biden, the Deep State and media were obsessed with “getting Trump,” America got doxed again by its enemies!
Will a special prosecutor be appointed to investigate how the Pentagon, the NSA, the CIA and the FBI allowed such materials to be photographed and released on social media platforms?
Elements of the Deep State and the leftist media repeatedly tried to smear Donald Trump by suggesting he would share his classified documents with America’s enemies. Obviously, he would never do that.
But while they were obsessing about Trump, an enemy of the United States released other classified documents right underneath their noses. Our own Deep State’s malfeasance contributed to this disaster.
By the way, congressional leaders have finally been granted access to some of the classified materials that were discovered in Trump’s home, in Joe Biden’s garage and in Mike Pence’s house. But Biden Administration officials won’t tell them exactly where the various documents were found or who had them. Go figure!
Damaging Our Children
Our Founding Fathers certainly understood the value of a good education. One of the first major laws passed by the newly independent United States was the Northwest Ordinance.
Among other things, it declared, “Religion, morality and knowledge being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged.”
Sadly, our schools today are doing little to encourage religion, morality and knowledge.
Abraham Lincoln understood the value of education, saying, “The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.”
But the privilege of educating can be perverted, and tyrants have always understood the power of indoctrination. Vladimir Lenin reportedly said, “Give me just one generation of youth, and I'll transform the whole world.”
While we were debating whether there should be a federal Department of Education, Marxists were taking over the teachers’ unions and, thus, the classrooms. The results are obvious – sodomy for six year-olds, anti-Americanism, tribalism and racial discord dominate our schools.
And it’s not just here.
The largest teachers’ union in Great Britain is demanding that British schools host drag queen story hours in order to create “safe spaces” for LGBTQ students.
The National Education Union approved a resolution last week declaring, “It is the educational duty of the union to publicly raise the aspirations, hopes and dreams of LGBT+ students and encourage all schools to set up LGBT+ spaces.”
It’s the duty of teachers to educate all children. It is the duty of teachers to create safe spaces for all children. And while teachers’ unions in the United States and Great Britain are obsessed with radical, fringe agendas, they are failing in the most fundamental duty of actually educating our children.
Why is this happening? Well, in England, as in the United States, there is growing pushback against the leftist insanity that is damaging our children.
As we’ve reported, Britain’s National Health Service is urging doctors to stop pushing extreme transgender procedures on confused kids and allow them to “grow out of it,” as the vast majority of them naturally will.
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has also expressed deep concerns about radical sex ed programs in the schools. He has ordered a review to ensure that the material is age appropriate.
This is driving the left into a frenzy because it is totally committed to grooming our children!
My friends, we must fight back against the left’s gender insanity! Our public schools are funded by your tax dollars. Our schools do not belong to the teachers’ unions. And our children most definitely do not belong to the radical teachers’ unions.
The More The Merrier
Two more candidates took steps to enter the 2024 presidential race this week.
South Carolina Senator Tim Scott announced the formation of an exploratory committee to decide whether he should formally get into the race. Sen. Scott is a good man. But, as of now, he is polling around 1% in national polls.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., announced his intention to challenge President Joe Biden for the Democrat nomination. Interestingly, the first poll already has him at 10%.