BREAKING NEWS: Brunson Released
I am pleased to report that Pastor Andrew Brunson was released today from a Turkish prison. Unfortunately, he was released due to an unspecified "health issue," and is still being held under house arrest. But this is a step in the right direction. Please keep Pastor Brunson and his family in your prayers.
The Left Finds Religion
Here's a marker of just how polarized the confirmation process has become: Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer is pressuring his colleagues to refuse meetings with Judge Kavanaugh. How's that for civility?
Nevertheless, at least three "Red State" Democrats are scheduling meetings with him. Why? Because polls show that voters in these states overwhelmingly want Kavanaugh confirmed. Opposition peaks at just 34%.
Schumer is even invoking Watergate, wrongly implying that Kavanuagh disagreed with the Supreme Court's 8-to-0 decision ordering Richard Nixon to surrender tape recordings of White House conversations.
Schumer ominously asked, "If Kavanaugh would have let Nixon off the hook, what is he willing to do for President Trump?" But as the Wall Street Journal notes, Kavanaugh has on several occasions praised the court's decision in U.S. v. Nixon.
As the Journal explains, Schumer is making outrageous demands for literally millions of documents from Kavanaugh's time in the Bush Administration. These documents have nothing to do with his legal philosophy. Liberals are just stalling for time, hoping to run out the clock until after the November elections.
And in a sign of utter desperation, left-wing senators are now quoting the Bible to justify their opposition to Kavanaugh. Senator Cory Booker declared Kavanaugh's confirmation to be "a moral moment." He suggested that Kavanaugh is "evil" and those who support him are "complicit in evil."
This is another example of the left trying to have it both ways. Secular progressives are constantly trying to force faith out of the public square. (See next item.) Conservative Christians are routinely told to keep our religion in the closet.
Now the left wants to lecture us about "moral moments" and "evil."
Let me remind you, friends, that Booker opposed the confirmation of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo because of his Christian views of marriage. I wonder what Scripture Booker could quote to support his views on men "marrying" other men.
The irony here is that Kavanaugh is a staunch defender of religious liberty, and that is precisely why the left fears him.
Why It Matters
The left's assault on religious liberty continues, and it will continue as long as progressives find allies in the courts and within the politically correct bureaucracy. Here are two recent examples.
Missing Man Tables are often seen at VFW posts and in dining halls on U.S. military bases. They contain a lot of symbolism representing the patriotism of our men and women in uniform and our respect for our heroes.
Among the symbols included on the table is the Bible, representing "faith in a higher power and the pledge to our country, founded as one nation under God."
Unfortunately, the Missing Man Tables have become a flashpoint in the left's efforts to purge faith from the public square.
A few days ago, Col. Stacy Huser, commander of F.E. Warren Air Force Base, ordered the Bible to be removed from the base's Missing Man Table. It is being replaced with a "book of faith" -- whatever that is -- which will reportedly include blank pages "to represent those who find solace by other means."
Meanwhile, Catholic Social Services of Philadelphia has announced that it is appealing a decision that effectively bans the organization from operating its foster care agency.
The dispute began earlier this year when Philadelphia adopted a policy that prohibits the city from working with foster care agencies that believe marriage is the union of one man and one woman.
This kind of religious bigotry makes absolutely no sense -- especially given the fact that Philadelphia has been desperately trying to recruit more foster parents.
The First Amendment's Establishment Clause, which the left constantly distorts, was meant to protect the church from the state. Yet just like when Obama tried to force nuns to pay for abortion-inducing drugs, this case is another example of the state telling the church to change its views.
This is why we need conservative judges who are committed to the Constitution and committed to preserving the freedoms it guarantees, especially religious liberty.
Left-wing Extremism
As we have previously reported, leading progressives are all-in on the radical idea of abolishing ICE. Over the weekend, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), a possible 2020 contender, said this:
"So when we flip the House and flip the Senate, I think the first thing we should do is deal with the children who have been separated from their families at the border. I think we should get rid of ICE."
Gillibrand clearly doesn't know what she's talking about. The family reunification issue will be dealt with long before the elections.
But she is clear that abolishing ICE will be a top priority for liberals, perhaps the "first thing" they do if they win the elections. So let's be clear about what that means.
Yesterday, ICE announced the results of Operation Eagle's Shield -- a two-week enforcement operation in the Washington, D.C., metro area. ICE picked up more than 130 illegal immigrants with criminal records. Here is a sample of who was arrested:
- A Salvadoran identified as a high-ranking MS-13 member.
- A Bolivian with four prior convictions for rape and intercourse with a victim under thirteen.
- A Peruvian previously convicted for battery and failure to register as a sex offender.
- A Salvadoran facing criminal charges for felony strangulation.
- A Mongolian previously convicted for driving under the influence and forgery.
- A Honduran with an outstanding warrant for two counts of felony rape, two counts of felony sodomy, and two counts of felony sexual abuse.
- A Filipino previously convicted of felony possession of a firearm with a controlled substance.
- A Guatemalan previously convicted for sexual intercourse with a child.
- A Salvadoran wanted for felony assault with a deadly weapon.
Thanks to the courageous men and women of ICE, these thugs are off the streets of our nation's capital and the surrounding Virginia suburbs.
By the way, many ICE agents are veterans who are continuing to serve our country by protecting us at home. And progressives want to abolish their jobs.
Russell Hott, director of ICE's Washington field office, said, "Today's announcement is the result of the absolutely essential work our ICE officers perform to identify the worst of the worst and ensure they have no refuge here."
But you will never hear about this from the left-wing media. In fact, one recent study found that the media's reporting of immigration-related stories devoted 120 times more coverage to the plight of migrants and the open borders agenda than to the victims of criminal illegal immigrants.