STEVEN ERTELT JUN 17, 2015 | 3:23PM | The LifeNews|
The California Senate will hold a hearing next week on the “bully bill” that would force pregnancy centers in California to promote abortion. Brian Johnston of the California Pro-Life Council says pro-life people need to start calling and emailing legislators urging opposition.
“This bill mandates a statement all Pregnancy Care Centers would have to tell mothers seeking care that includes how to get an abortion but not alternatives like adoption. It also exempts abortion clinics from giving the same mothers the same information,” he said.
“This bill must be urgently acted on! It is crucial that we rally around California’s Pregnancy Resource Centers and make sure that they are able to offer the support and answers that women deserve,” Johnston added. “AB 775 passed on the Assembly Floor and has now been referred to the Senate Committee on Health, and is scheduled to be heard on June 24, 2015. If it passes the Senate Committee on Health it will be one step away from the Governors desk.”
Lori Arnold of the California Family Alliance also talked about the dangers associated with the bill.
“Mirroring its path in the Assembly, AB 775 will be heard June 24 before the Senate Health Committee,” she said. “Although named the “Reproductive FACT Act,” the bill is more accurately described by several pro-life organizations as the “bully bill.” AB 775 stifles free speech by forcing non-profit Pregnancy Care Clinics to promote a government-mandated message that violates their right of conscience. The mandate comes despite the fact that such centers receive no taxpayer funding and are supported entirely by private fundraising and donations.”
Arnold said:
- AB 775 violates the free speech rights of Pregnancy Care Clinics by forcing them to promote abortions services that are contrary to their deeply held religious beliefs.
- AB 775 exempts Medi-Cal family planning providers, including abortion clinics, from its disclosure requirements.
- AB 775 promotes viewpoint discrimination by forcing one-sided disclosures by Pregnancy Care Clinics but not abortion facilities.
- AB 775 undermines licensed PCC medical clinics by suggesting they are not “legitimate” organizations since they do not provide abortions.
- AB 775 increases taxpayer liability, since abortion facilities are largely funded with government money. PRCs, on the other hand, are funded and operated by concerned individuals, offering a wide range of pregnancy support services at no expense to taxpayers.
ACTION: Please contact the members of Senate Committee on Health, so we can stop this piece of legislation that takes away free speech and bullies our Pregnancy Care Centers. Call-to-Action Link.
Members of the Committee follow: