Clinton vs. Trump Jr.
Here we go again. The media are in another frenzy over Donald Trump Jr.'s meeting with Russians.
As you know, Hillary Clinton's campaign was haunted by scandal, not related to Russia, but her own attempts to avoid State Department regulations regarding the handling of sensitive communications. She maintained an eye-popping number of unsecured devices -- private servers, laptops, iPads, Blackberries -- from which she sent thousands of emails that she did not want others to see.
When investigators attempted to gain access to Clinton's emails, she and her lawyers engaged in an extraordinary effort to conceal them.
She deleted tens of thousands of emails she claimed were about yoga lessons and weddings.
Her private server was wiped with Bleachbit.
Devices that were surrendered were -- Surprise! -- useless. They were missing SIM cards that contained essential data.
Her aides destroyed several devices with hammers.
A laptop was "lost" in the mail.
I'm surprised she never tried the excuse, "My dog ate my emails."
In legal parlance all of this behavior relates to what prosecutors (not named Comey) would call "intent." Clearly, her intent was to hide communications that many believe would incriminate her for exploiting her government office to benefit the financial dealings of the Clinton Foundation.
By the way, she did all of this as a former first lady, former senator and lawyer in her mid-to-late 60s who has had an eye on the presidency ever since she graduated college.
Now let's compare that to the current controversy involving Donald Trump Jr., a 39-year old real estate executive who grew up in a family that had nothing to do with politics.
He finds himself in the middle of a presidential campaign, something you can't imagine unless you have done it (and I have). His father is shocking everyone with his success. Don Jr. gets an email suggesting that a lawyer from Russia may have incriminating information on Hillary Clinton.
If you believe that talking to this lawyer is illegal, would you engage in the email chain he wrote?
Would you ask other key people in the campaign to join you?
After big media makes Russian collusion a big theme, would you leave the emails on your computer?
Donald Trump Jr. is not guilty of collusion. He is guilty of not understanding how the far left will go to criminalize politics.
Left-wing Hate
Earlier this week, ABC News reported that Attorney General Jeff Sessions spoke at a closed-door meeting of a "hate group." ABC's report was a disgusting smear against the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), one of the finest Christian legal defense organizations in America. ABC based its information about ADF on a radical left-wing group called the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).
The SPLC is a hate group. It hates Christians who resist being forced to violate their deeply held beliefs.
The SPLC labeled the Family Research Council, which I led for ten years, as a hate group. Emboldened by the SPLC's hateful rhetoric, a deranged leftist attacked FRC and shot a security guard.
The SPLC is so radical that it has even attacked reformist Muslims and nuns.
While we're on the subject of religious bigotry, you may recall that I was at the White House Monday. Well, apparently one CNN anchor found our prayers for President Trump "pretty stunning" and "very strange."
What is stunning and strange is the left's disconnect with Americans who take our faith seriously.
My friends, we have to fight back against the left's extremism. Share these reports with friends and family members. And please support our efforts to defend faith, family and freedom!
A Tolerance For Dead Jews
Two Israeli police officers were shot and killed today at the Temple Mount, one of the most revered Jewish holy sites. Their attackers -- three Palestinians described as "devout men who loved Allah" -- were shot and killed in the gun battle that erupted.
Incredibly, there are serious people in Washington, D.C., who believe that Israel should prove its desire for peace by giving half of Jerusalem to the same society that produced these murderers.
The media's coverage of today's Temple Mount atrocity is also telling. If some idiot leaves a pack of bacon at a mosque door it becomes an international incident with the FBI investigating it as a "hate crime." Believe it or not, they are even investigating a picture of Jesus left at a mosque as a "hate crime."
If a similar event to today's Jerusalem shooting had occurred in London, Paris or Brussels, the death of the police officers would be big news. But to the left-wing world media, the Palestinians are "occupied people" and the Jews deserve whatever they get. Once again, we see how much of the world has a high tolerance for dead Jews.
A few weeks ago, Hadas Malka, a 23 year-old female Israeli border guard, was stabbed to death near the same area in Jerusalem. Her attackers were shot and killed by Israeli officers before they could kill anyone else. There was very little news about the murder.
But even worse, not in Ramallah, not in Damascus, not in Tehran, but on multiple U.S. campuses, a Palestinian student association referred to the shootings of Malka's attackers as "executions" of "Palestinian teens" carried out by "Zionist occupation force."
I am proud to lead Christians United For Israel's Washington, D.C., office. Because of that work, I am very familiar with CUFI on Campus and the young men and women who take on radical student groups such as Students for Justice in Palestine, and their increasingly violent left-wing allies on campuses all over America. I am proud to be speaking to CUFI on Campus this Sunday, just as Christians United For Israel's annual Washington Summit gets underway.
Other Headlines
- The Senate is making progress on President Trump's judicial nominations.
- President Trump is fighting abuse, firing hundredsof VA bureaucrats.
- The Trump Administration is fighting massive Medicaid fraud.
- The administration is shutting down Obama-era immigration loopholes.
- The Administration is aggressively tackling visa overstays.
- More Christian refugees are coming to America. Thank you, President Trump!