Defend Religious Liberty!
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Phil Robertson, the patriarch of the Duck Dynasty clan, has been kicked off his hit TV show for daring to express his deeply held Christian beliefs.
While some of his remarks could have been expressed more appropriately, the fact remains that Phil is just the latest victim of the radical left's extreme intolerance toward traditional values, which is well-documented.
I am outraged and disgusted by the left-wing media's knee-jerk reaction!
But unless men and women of faith fight back, the left's anti-religious bigotry will only get worse.
That's what we do here at American Values -- we defend our traditional values, and we need your help to stay in this fight!
So please stand with me and American Values right now!
Your gift to AV is fully tax-deductible, and all gifts received by December 31st will be matched!
That means your $10 gift will become $20.
$25 will become $50.
$100 will become $200. And so on.
Help me fight for Faith, Family and Freedom!
Support American Values right now!
Don't forget that American Values can also accept stock gifts and foundation grants. Call us at 703-671-9700 if you have any questions or if you would like to donate over the phone.
If you prefer, you can mail a check to:
- American Values
2800 Shirlington Road
Suite 950
Arlington, VA 22206
Thank you, my friends!