Cuomo, America's Anti-Science Governor
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo just hit a new low. He's once again casting doubts on the COVID-19 vaccines.
During an interview with a New York radio station this morning, Cuomo said that Trump was rushing the vaccines for "money and ego," adding, "nobody is going to trust him saying it's a safe vaccine." This is beyond dangerous!
The one thing every expert knows will stop the coronavirus is an effective vaccine. Normally, a new vaccine takes years to produce. But the president took action last year to modernize the process, laying the foundation for Operation Warp Speed.
Thanks to the president's leadership, we now have two highly effective vaccines and distribution will begin next month.
Sadly, but predictably, there's not one word of praise from the left, and Andrew Cuomo is now complaining that the vaccines have been developed too quickly! When he's not constantly bashing the president, Cuomo wants to cancel Thanksgiving and Christmas the way he and other left-wing politicians canceled Easter.
The left's constant attacks against Trump are about power and controlling your life.
Cuomo says the vaccines are being rushed for "money." We are being warned that 400,000 Americans could die by March. What kind of price tag is he putting on that?
Cuomo says the vaccines are being rushed to boost Trump's "big ego" so he can say they were developed under his watch. Well, it's just a fact that they were developed under his watch, and the sooner the better in order to save more lives.
Cuomo should be ashamed of himself for putting his own petty politics ahead of public health. Thousands died in New York's nursing homes because of Cuomo's orders.
By the way, while I'm thankful we have developed effective vaccines for the coronavirus, I think we urgently need a vaccine for left-wing lunacy! Evidently, there are some public school teachers who believe that capitalism, not China, is responsible for the coronavirus.
Election Update
As Georgia continues its hand recount of ballots, yet another batch of uncounted ballots has been discovered. This time more than 2,700 votes from Fayette County were found, and they split 57% to 41% for Donald Trump. Earlier in the week, 2,600 ballots from Floyd County were found. They also split in Trump's favor.
This is why the recount is necessary, and why it is so important that we do everything possible to ensure the integrity of the election.
As commentator Dennis Prager recently noted, millions of Americans have serious doubts about the integrity of this election. At the same time, the credibility of the mainstream media, which spent the past four years pushing the Russia hoax, has cratered. These are unprecedented conditions for most Americans.
And clearly the media have lost their influence over the country. For days now, there has been a constant drumbeat from the media and elite opinion that Donald Trump lost and that he is dividing the country by refusing to concede.
But a new Politico/Morning Consult poll finds that fewer than half of Americans -- just 46% -- believe President Trump should concede now. That's a shockingly low percentage given the near unanimous "lobbying" from the media for Trump to give up.
And the president isn't giving up. The Trump campaign is reportedly putting up millions of dollars to begin a partial recount in Wisconsin.
Meanwhile, Democrats are still licking their wounds from their surprising defeat in House elections. Utah's 4th District was called yesterday for Republican Burgess Owens.
In fact, it's been noted that House Democrats failed to win a single "toss up" race out of more than two dozen such contests this year. And Republicans are leading in four out of five races that remain undecided.
As a result, Republicans are on track to gain at least 10 House seats, and Democrats are facing the narrowest House majority since World War II. And that also highlights the extremely unusual nature of the 2020 election results.
If all you knew about the election was that all of the polls would be wrong and Republicans would make significant gains in House elections, there's no one who would bet that President Trump would lose reelection under those circumstances. Yet that is what we're being told to believe.
About Those Briefings
Progressives in Washington are complaining bitterly that the White House has been reluctant to give security briefings to members of Joe Biden's transition team. While I don't know all the reasons that decision was made, I can surmise a few.
We know that Biden staffers have been reaching out to Iran and the Palestinian Authority for months. Trump is doing everything he can to weaken Iran and other anti-Israel terrorist regimes. The first time any left-wing staffers were briefed on the administration's national security strategy, I guarantee it would be leaked to CNN and the New York Times within minutes.
On the coronavirus, all the leading medical experts and scientists at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institutes of Health are not leaving. They are working furiously to contain the virus and will continue to do so.
But I have no doubt that if the Biden team were briefed on the coronavirus plan, we'd hear immediately from the Washington Post about "what a terrible plan it is and they just can't get in fast enough to change it."
Wreaths Across America
There's a poignant holiday tradition that takes place every year just outside of the nation's capital at Arlington National Cemetery. Volunteers come to Arlington to lay wreaths on the graves of our fallen heroes.
In fact, thousands of patriotic Americans do this at national cemeteries all across the country, as a way of honoring those who served and died for our freedoms. What began in 1992 as the act of one grateful man is now known as Wreaths Across America.
COVID has taken so much from us this year, and it nearly took this cherished tradition too. Washington bureaucrats decided it was just too risky to have volunteers laying wreaths outside. On Monday it was announced that the annual event at Arlington National Cemetery was canceled.
Commenting on the controversy, Fox & Friends host Brian Kilmeade said:
"The irony. Many of those men and women lost their lives because they fought in the surge in Iraq or against the Nazis in World War II, overcoming the odds. And it's 'too dangerous' for us to put a wreath on their headstone.
"What has happened? What has happened to the people in charge of this country? No guts!"
Thankfully, President Trump intervened to reverse that "ridiculous decision," as he called it, and the Wreaths Across America event will take place as scheduled.