End of Day Archives

The War On Christmas, Muzzling Christians, Secular Globalism

The War On Christmas


Have you noticed that every Easter someone in Big Media or some scientist, maybe a professor or even a theologian makes headlines when they claim wrongly that the resurrection of Christ is a myth or just a nice story? 


This annual Easter attack on our faith is as predictable as the first flowers of spring.


One Down Two To Go, Saturday Night Losers, An Awakening

One Down; Two To Go


Last week’s hearing on the crisis of anti-Semitism at American colleges and universities continues to reverberate.  University of Pennsylvania President Liz Magill resigned late Saturday evening.  Steven Bok, chairman of the board of trustees, also resigned.


Biden Busted Again, The Neo-Marxist Threat, Defending Faith, Family & Freedom

Biden Busted Again


After five years of lengthy investigations that eventually morphed into a special counsel investigation, Hunter Biden was just hit with nine more charges related to tax fraud, including 3 felonies. 


Multiple reports suggest he’s facing a potential sentence of 17 years in jail.  I don’t believe he will serve one day, as I have explained before.


Remember Pearl Harbor, Biden's Border Crisis, White House Revolt

Remember Pearl Harbor


Eighty-two years ago today, Americans woke up to the shocking news of a surprise attack on our Navy at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.  As storm clouds gathered in Europe and Asia, Americans in the 1930s wanted to avoid the problems of the world.  But the enemy rarely gives you a vote, and Pearl Harbor gave us no choice. 


Moral Clarity, Exposing Anti-Semitism, Faith Under Siege

Stand With American Values


The Deep State Threat, The Threat To Democracy, The Useless UN

The Deep State Threat


I want to revisit the recent testimony of journalist Michael Shellenberger before the House Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government.  What he told members of Congress last week should be front page news.  It should alarm everyone. 


Harris & Hamas, Kissinger Was Right, Philly Hate

Stand With American Values


Stand With American Values as we defend Faith, Family and Freedom!


Year-end fundraising makes up a huge part of our annual budget, and your support is essential to our success!


More importantly, as you will read below, your support has never been more urgently needed.


Blinken's Betrayal, More Atrocities Are Coming, Durbin The Destroyer

Blinken’s Betrayal


We reported yesterday that Secretary of State Antony Blinken had returned to Israel this week to pressure Israel to extend the cease-fire with Hamas.  He failed.  The war resumed after Hamas murdered four Israelis yesterday and launched a new barrage of rocket attacks.


Smearing Kids, Liberals For Haley, Appeasing Hamas

Smearing Kids


As you probably have heard by now, there was another sad attempt this week by leftist race baiters to stoke racial tensions and further divide America.  It’s the kind of left-wing agitation designed to keep us at each other’s throats, while the left is busy “fundamentally transforming” the country. 


Hamas & America, The War On The West, Drain The Deep State

Hamas & America


The Hamas massacre in Israel on October 7th unleashed something horrible right here in the United States.  We’ve seen things take place since October 7th that were unimaginable on October 6th. 


After a massacre of Jewish women and children in Israel -- simply because they were Jews -- there was a massive outbreak of bloodthirsty anti-Semitism here in America.  Pro-Hamas demonstrations, with calls for genocide, erupted in our cities and on our university campuses. 

