End of Day Archives

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Fundamentally Transforming America

As Americans we take pride in our history as a nation of immigrants. We welcome those who come here wanting to become Americans. But there is deep angst in the country that immigration, especially illegal immigration, is out-of-control and beginning to fundamentally transform the country.

Recently, the mayor of Kansas City, Kansas, bragged that his town in the American heartland is no longer a homogenous city. He said, "Our school district speaks 62 different languages by the children every single day."

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

About Those Inspections & Embargos

One of the most important elements of Obama's nuclear deal with Iran is inspections. Without "anywhere, anytime" inspections, Iranian compliance with the deal is virtually impossible to guarantee. As we have previously noted, there are problems with the inspection provisions -- provisions which key Democrats demanded and which the Obama Administration promised would be tough.

Monday, July 20, 2015

"Death To America" 

Friday, July 17, 2015

Terror In Tennessee

How many times are we going to watch this play out?

Once again, unarmed U.S. servicemen were gunned down by a radical Islamist, this time in Chattanooga, Tennessee. We have seen this tragedy too many times -- Fort Hood and the Little Rock recruiting center (Did you forgot about that one?). We have seen attacks on soldiers in Canada and in the streets of London, where a soldier was beheaded. Other planned attacks were thwarted.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: Two military facilities in Tennessee were attacked this morning. One attack involved a drive-by shooting in which dozens of shots were fired at a military recruiting office. There are few details at this point, but reports suggest four Marines and one law enforcement officer may be dead. Chattanooga Mayor Andy Berke described the attack as a "very terrible situation."

Obama's Retreat

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Context Matters 
Twenty-four hours later, the extent of Obama's nuclear sellout is becoming obvious.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Israel Responds To Iran Deal 

While we are delving into the details of President Obama's nuclear de

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Radicals Celebrate Early 

Left-wing radicals in New York City are kicking off the July 4th holiday

Supremely Wrong On Marriage, Put Down ISIS Flag, The Enemy Within

Supremely Wrong On Marriage

Today, five unelected lawyers on the Supreme Court decided that they know better than thousands of years of Judeo-Christian civilization and millions of American voters.

The majority opinion, written by Justice Anthony Kennedy, redefines marriage coast-to-coast. Once again, the Supreme Court has imposed its morality on the entire country and told millions of citizens that their votes and their values do no matter.

Supremes Save Obamacare, Democrats Against Iran Deal, Farrakhan's Flag Flap

Supremes Save Obamacare Again

Today's 6-to-3 decision upholding Obamacare's subsidy scheme marks the second time that the nation's highest court has saved Obamacare. As infuriating as the decision is, the ruling really wasn't much of a surprise.

Everyone knew the four left-wing justices would side with the administration, as they did in 2012. And as he did in 2012, Chief Justice John Roberts wrote the majority opinion in this case, King v. Burwell, and was joined by Justice Anthony Kennedy, who frequently sides with the left.
