End of Day Archives

Deal Or No Deal, Defector Blasts Talks, Servergate, Faith Under Fire

Deal Or No Deal? 

News broke over the weekend that Western and Iranian negotiators had reached a "tentative agreement" regarding Iran's nuclear program. But reports late last night indicate that the Iranians are now demanding additional concessions.

Iran had agreed to surrender its uranium stockpile to Russia so that it could not be processed into material for a nuclear weapon. Now the Islamic Republic is insisting it be allowed to keep its uranium. 

Sellout Sunday, Demonizing Religious Liberty, Dueling Budgets, Conservative Cruise

Sellout Sunday? 

There is speculation based on the travel schedules of the key figures involved in the Iranian nuclear negotiations that a potential deal could be announced this Sunday. From everything we know, that deal will be a disaster for us and our allies, and a gift for the Iranian regime.

Consider the news just from the past week:

Obama's Bad Deal, Bizarre Left-Wing Mind, Indiana Defends Religious Freedom, Pilot Crashed Plane

Obama's Bad Deal 

After a ten month investigation, the Army formally charged Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl yesterday with two charges: One count of desertion and one count of misbehavior before the enemy. The first charge carries a penalty of five years in prison. The second charge is far more serious and could send Bergdahl to prison for the rest of his life. 

Obama's Secret Deal, Iran Cannot Be Trusted, Crony Capitalism

BREAKING NEWS: The Army is charging Bowe Bergdahl with desertion and misbehavior before the enemy. So it's now official -- Obama traded five Taliban "generals" for a deserter. 

Obama's Secret Deal 

State Department Spokeswoman Jen Psaki went "on the record" last night with Fox News host Greta Van Susteren. Greta went straight to a major concern about the pending deal with Iran -- the degree of secrecy that surrounds it and President Obama's refusal to submit it to Congress.

Verbal Rockets Fired At Israel, What Is Obama Hiding, Yemen Success, Change & Obamacare

Verbal Rockets Fired At Israel Again 

After Benjamin Netanyahu's reelection last week, I warned readers not to expect an end to the left-wing attacks on the nation of Israel. It is increasingly obvious that this administration intends to isolate our ally, even though by doing so they know Israel's and America's enemies will be emboldened.

Obama's Bile, "Death To America," ISIS Targets Troops, The Culture Wars

Obama's Bile

A lot happened in the last 48 hours that would normally make a U.S. president angry. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, while we are in negotiations with his country, joined a crowd in demanding "death to America." An ISIS affiliate published the names, addresses and photos of 100 U.S. military men and women and urged its followers to kill them right here in the U.S. (See items below.)

One Nation Under Allah, Obama Encourages Iran's Youth, Cotton Wins, Wo(men)'s Issues

One Nation Under Allah? 

The latest example of the multicultural virus infecting our schools just erupted at Pine Bush High School in Pine Bush, New York. The school, to its credit, begins the day with the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance over the school intercom. 

Recently, school administrators decided they could show their really cool progressive commitment to diversity by directing that the Pledge be recited in Arabic -- including "one nation under Allah" instead of "under God."

Playing The Race Card, No Time To Call, Terror In Tunisia

Playing The Race Card 

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest played the race card against Benjamin Netanyahu yesterday. During a press briefing with reporters aboard Air Force One, Earnest went out of his way to criticize Israel's newly-elected leader. After answering a question about communications with Hillary Clinton's staff, Earnest added this:

Bibi Wins, Don't Expect A Truce, How Netanyahu Won
Bibi Wins 

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu -- despised by the Obama White House, demonized in a massive ad campaign in Israel by left-wing American political operatives using the same slash-and-burn tactics they have used so well against conservative candidates in recent years, hated by Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran -- defied all the odds and won yesterday. 

Israel has a multi-party parliamentary system, so a coalition government will likely be formed. But by Israeli standards, Netanyahu's victory was close to a landslide.

Israel Votes, Losing America, Summit Ministries

Israel Votes
