End of Day Archives

Christian Genocide, Obama Unrestrained, ISIS In America, Origin Of Our Rights

Report Warns Of Christian Genocide 

Former Congressman Frank R. Wolf and his new group, 21st Century Wilberforce Initiative, has just issued a disturbing report entitled "Edge of Extinction." Its message: If ISIS is not defeated, Christians and other religious and ethnic minorities face a genocide.

The report comes after a fact-finding mission to Iraq by the Wilberforce delegation, including Wolf, Wilberforce President Randel Everett and my daughter Elyse, who is a key member of the new group's staff. 

Let Bibi Speak, Another Ceasefire, We Must Do More, Defending The Faith

Let Bibi Speak 

The joint statement Bill Kristol and I released yesterday provided some needed reinforcement for our friends on Capitol Hill. We believe it is essential for Prime Minister Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu to come here and speak BEFORE a bad nuclear deal is made with Iran. Some left-wing politicians are demanding that Netanyahu be muzzled until AFTER the deal is signed. Certainly Obama would like to see that happen. 

Obama Declares War, Costs Of Illegal Immigration, Boehner Not Budging, Atheist Hate Crimes

Obama Declares War, Sort Of 

More than six months after ordering the first air strikes, President Obama today formally asked Congress to authorize the use of military force against the Islamic State. Reaction from Congress has been mixed. 

Democrats are complaining that it is "too broad" and "open-ended." Nancy Pelosi says she is looking for something that "would limit the power of the president but nonetheless protect the American people." 

The Left-Wing Mind, Chaos From The Courts, Obama’s Credibility Gap, Whatever The Cost, Abortion Not A Social Good

Inside The Left-Wing Mind 

President Obama sat down for an interview recently with the left-wing website Vox. The interview is being widely panned. Politico accused Vox of pitching the president "softball -- no, make that Nerf ball -- questions." 

In the second-half of the lengthy interview, they ventured into foreign policy. Follow me now through the looking glass as we consider this excerpt from the president's response to a question about terrorism:

Gitmo Con Gets Justice, Dissatisfied With Abortion, Taxpayer Outrage

Justice Comes To Gitmo Con 

Mullah Abdul Rauf, a former Taliban commander who recently joined the Islamic State, was killed in a drone strike today. Rauf was captured in 2004 and sent to the terrorist detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Unfortunately, he was released a few years later. 

Like a significant portion of his comrades, Rauf did not join the Kabul Rotary Club upon his return to Afghanistan. Nor did he enroll in "JA" or Jihadis Anonymous, where jihadists try to overcome their addiction to murder and mayhem. 

Post Pans Pact, Anti-American Quote Of The Day, Obama's Meeting, Liberal Lies

Post Pans Iran Pact 

For the past few days, I have been sounding the alarm over the disturbing direction of President Obama's nuclear negotiations with Iran. Today the Washington Post, which had supported the talks, expresses "major concerns" as well. Here are some excerpts of the Post's editorial: 

Obama Defends Islam, Munich Moment, Putin Has Asperger's, Chain Of Command

Obama Defends Modern Day Islam / Attacks Christian History 

President Barack Obama used the occasion of the National Prayer Breakfast to once again defend Islam. (Talk about chutzpah!) He did it using a tactic he has used before, but never so boldly. 

Speaking before an event sponsored by an organization which professes "that Jesus transcends all forms of government and belief," Obama lectured his audience, saying ". . . people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ," citing "the Crusades and the Inquisition . . . slavery and Jim Crow." 

A Really Bad Deal, Jordan Responds, Principles Or Parties, Misinformed Millennials

A Really Bad Deal 

U.S. and Iranian diplomats may be on the verge of a breakthrough in talks over Iran's nuclear program. According to the Associated Press, this "breakthrough" would reportedly "let Iran keep much of its uranium-enriching technology but reduce its potential to make nuclear weapons. . . .the proposal could leave most of Iran's nearly 10,000 centrifuges in place but reconfigure them to reduce the amount of enriched uranium they produce." 

Pilot Burned Alive, No Strategy, Obamacare & Immigration, Israel's Enemies Unite

BREAKING NEWS: ISIS Burns Pilot Alive 

A disgusting video has just been released by ISIS which purportedly shows a Jordanian fighter pilot, Moaz al-Kasasbeh, being burned alive in a cage. 

The Islamic State had offered to free the pilot in exchange for the release of a jailed female terrorist. Jordan demanded proof that its pilot was actually alive, and vowed that it would "quickly judge" and execute all ISIS prisoners it was holding if Kasasbeh was killed. Unencumbered by left-wing political correctness, I expect Jordan will fulfill its promise.

Barack's Budget, Delusions On Radical Islam, Amnesty's Victims

Barack's Budget 

The White House officially released President Obama's latest budget this morning. It's historic -- the nation's first $4 trillion budget. As you might expect, it is full of more spending, higher taxes and bigger government. But don't take my word for it.

Politico previewed Barack's budget in a report headlined "Obama Veers Left." Its description was very revealing given the publication's own left-leaning inclinations. Consider these excerpts: 
