End of Day Archives

Hamas, The Muslim Brotherhood, The Taliban, 2016 Update

Hamas Prepares For War 

A couple of stories from the Middle East today caught my attention. Radical Islam is on the march and, as usual, Western leaders seem oblivious.

Israel vs. Iran, The Right To Work, Pence & Propaganda

Israel vs. Iran 

The American left is absolutely apoplectic about Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's address before Congress. The New York Times, the unofficial mouthpiece of the Obama White House, is even attacking Ron Dermer, Israel's ambassador to the United States. 

Savage TV, Plan B, Kudos To Michelle

Savage TV 

In today's hypersensitive, politically correct culture, conservatives are afforded little margin for error. The slightest offense or error in judgment can often end a career. Sometimes it is something incredibly minor, but the merciless left-wing media smells blood and goes for the jugular. 

Never Again, Keystone Filibustered, Russian Spies & Your Wallet

Never Again 

Seventy years ago today, Soviet forces liberated the Nazi concentration camps at Auschwitz, revealing some of the worst horrors of the Holocaust. More than one million people were systematically murdered at Auschwitz. Nearly all of them were Jews, killed as part of Hitler's "final solution to the Jewish question," which ultimately claimed six million Jewish lives. 

Protocol, 21st Century Paul Revere, GOP Campaign Begins, Remembering Churchill


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu continues to get pummeled in Israeli and American media for accepting Speaker John Boehner's invitation to address a joint session of Congress. What is the prime minister supposed to do? Congress has been overwhelmingly supportive of Israel, whereas Obama has been increasingly hostile. 

Global Joke, Jindal Gets It, Radical Islam, Conservative Cruise

"A Global Joke" 

There are disturbing reports from Capitol Hill that the so-called border security bill currently being drafted by the House Homeland Security Committee represents a step backwards. 

Defending Life, Will The Left Apologize, The Ayatollah's Appeal, Terror In Tel Aviv

Defending Life 

Hundreds of thousands of Americans came to Washington, D.C., today for the annual March for Life. The march marks a tragic anniversary in America -- the Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision legalizing most abortions nationally. Since that ruling 42 years ago, more than 57 million innocent lives have been sacrificed in the name choice. 

Our nation was founded on the idea that each one of us was created by God with the "unalienable" right to life. Fifty-seven million deaths is a betrayal of our founding principles. 

Out Of Touch, Tehran's Talking Points, Beards And Abortions

Out Of Touch 

Last night's State of the Union address was vintage President Obama. He sprinkled references to bi-partisanship, cooperation and working together throughout his hour-long speech. And he insisted that he would offer "practical, not partisan ideas." 

Obama Plays Robin Hood, Militant Islam Marches On, Israel On Alert

Obama Plays Robin Hood 

President Obama will deliver his annual State of the Union address tonight. He is expected to present a wish list of new tax hikes and spending increases. 

Virtually none of it is expected to pass Congress, but that's really not the point. Several media outlets have referred to Obama's "Robin Hood" tax plans because of their emphasis on class warfare. Obama is attempting to portray himself as the champion of the middle class and cast conservatives in Congress as beholden to the rich. 

Remembering Dr. King, Supremes To Define Marriage, Hollywood Haters

Remembering Dr. King 

Today is a federal holiday honoring the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. President Obama is encouraging Americans to observe the day by performing acts of community service. I would like to add to that suggestion: Let's honor the man by remembering his cause and what inspired him. 
