End of Day Archives
Chill Out, The Weak Horse |
Chill Out! Our government handlers are earning their paychecks today, particularly in the Big Apple. You think you have a tough job? Just imagine if you had the assignment today of telling agitated citizens that it was perfectly logical and prudent to not quarantine a doctor who had just returned from Africa. . . where he had been treating Ebola patients. |
Terrorist Islamic Convert, Jihad In Jerusalem, Obamacare News, Media Malpractice |
Canadian Terrorist Islamic Convert
We know more today about the man who shot and killed a soldier standing guard at Canada's National War Memorial. Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, 32, had a long criminal history. He had spent time in prison for drugs and robbery and had recently converted to Islam.
Jihad In Canada, Bachmann Targeted, Where Are The Passengers, Churches Forced To Pay For Abortions |
Jihad In Canada There is breaking news today of multiple shootings in Ottawa, Canada. A Canadian soldier standing guard at the National War Memorial was shot and reportedly killed. Canada's National War Memorial is a significant site. A shooting there would be comparable to one here at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery. |
Good News Growing Mystery, Send Your Sermons, Bad Deal |
Good News But Growing Mystery
Forty-three people who were being closely monitored for Ebola because of exposure to Thomas Duncan passed the critical 21-day period yesterday without showing any signs of infection. Dallas has now gone five days without a new case of Ebola. That's good news. Having said that, there are studies from the World Health Organization indicating that a small percentage of Ebola infections can occur well past the 21-day period.
Budget Cuts Caused Ebola, Spreading Fear, Persecuting Pastors, Obama's Imperial Presidency |
Budget Cuts Caused Ebola? That did not take long. The leftist/progressive political machine, following its long-standing and infamous rule "Don't let a crisis go to waste," has gone on the attack on the Ebola issue. The crisis they claim is due to budget cuts. Baloney! |
Frieden's Fiasco II, Stop The Passengers, Door-To-Door For Life, Persecuting Pastors |
Frieden's Fiasco II A CBS News poll finds that the public's confidence in the Centers for Disease Control has been shattered as a result of Dr. Thomas Frieden's politically correct handling of Ebola. Only 37 percent of Americans believe the CDC is currently doing a good or excellent job. That's a huge drop from the 60% rating the agency scored in a May 2013 poll. Let me repeat: Dr. Frieden must resign. |
Frieden Must Resign, The CDC’s Failure, Persecuting Pastors, Obama's War Failure |
Frieden Must Resign I believe that Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers of Disease Control, must step down. Under his direction, there have been repeated problems at the CDC. During the Dallas Ebola outbreak, CDC bureaucrats have seemed more concerned with getting an A for political correctness while getting a D- when it comes to applying years of knowledge about halting outbreaks of deadly diseases. Further developments today (see below) are the final straw. |
Frieden's Fiasco, How Much Risk, Screenings Start, Left Demands More Risk |
Frieden's Fiasco Faith in the government's ability to handle major crises has been falling year after year. A Gallup poll last month found that it has fallen 17 points since 2012, to its lowest level ever. |
Frieden Must Resign, The CDC’s Failure, Persecuting Pastors, Obama's War Failure |
Frieden Must Resign I believe that Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers of Disease Control, must step down. Under his direction, there have been repeated problems at the CDC. During the Dallas Ebola outbreak, CDC bureaucrats have seemed more concerned with getting an A for political correctness while getting a D- when it comes to applying years of knowledge about halting outbreaks of deadly diseases. Further developments today (see below) are the final straw. |
Ebola Day 14, How Nigeria Succeeded, Blaming Budget Cuts |
Ebola In America: Day 14 There is dismay at the disappointing news in Dallas that a nurse who treated Thomas Duncan has contracted the deadly Ebola virus. The Centers for Disease Control's initial reaction was to blame the nurse for a "breach of protocol." But the breach has yet to be identified and how the nurse became infected remains a mystery. |