End of Day Archives

Feds Blast Baltimore Cops, Lowering The Bar For Bigotry, One Proud Olympian

Feds Blast Baltimore Cops

The Justice Department today issued a scathing report against the Baltimore Police Department (BPD). The report was initiated after last year's riots following the death of Freddie Gray.

During a press conference this morning, Vanita Gupta, head of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division, said, "We conclude that there is reasonable cause to believe that BPD engages in a pattern or practice of conduct that violates the Constitution and federal anti-discrimination law."

Athlete, Entrepreneur Claims Victimhood, World Vision Update

Athlete, Entrepreneur Claims Victimhood

Ibtihaj Muhammad, the hijab-wearing Olympic fencer, has become a national celebrity. Some commentators suggested that she should have had the honor of carrying the U.S. flag and leading our athletes during the opening ceremonies because she would show our diversity better than Michael Phelps, who is, after all, just another "white guy."

Obama's Lie, Anti-Semitism At The Olympics, Race-Baiting In Rio

Obama's Lie

Clearly stung by news reports that his administration paid a $400 million ransom to Iran, President Obama addressed reporters at the Pentagon last week and made this stunning claim:

"By all accounts, [the Iranian nuclear deal] has worked exactly the way we said it was going to work. It's not just the assessment of our intelligence community, it's the assessment of the Israeli military and intelligence community. The country that was most opposed to this deal acknowledges this has been a game changer. . ."

Waiting For The Ransom, World Vision And Hamas

Waiting For The Ransom

Fox Business network interviewed Saeed Abedini yesterday. Abedini is a Christian pastor who was one of the four hostages held by Iran and released at the same time the Obama Administration was flying $400 million in cash to Tehran. Obama yesterday scoffed at the notion that the money was ransom for the hostages.

London Terror, Memorial Service For French Priest

Paying Ransom To Iranian Thugs

Drip. Drip. Drip.  More facts emerged today in the Obama Administration’s payoff of $400 million in hard cold cash to the Mullahs of Iran for the release of U.S. prisoners being held in that radical Islamist country.  Now we have learned top officials at the Justice Department reportedly objected to the deal, warning Obama and Kerry that the “optics” were terrible and would appear to the public to be a violation of long standing U.S. policy not to pay ransoms. 

Photo Bomb!, Ransom, Logic Fail

Photo Bomb!

I am sure you remember the wonderful photo I shared with you of Donald Trump and Mike Pence having a moment of prayer on the campaign plane. We posted that photo on our Facebook page. Today, we got an astonishing report. Forty-four thousand "friends" shared it and those people shared it, etc. etc. As of this morning 3,950,486 people have seen two men, in the middle of a vicious political campaign, praying to the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Jesus!

A Ransom To The Ayatollahs?

Khan And The Constitution, Big Tech Alliance, Houston, We've Got A Problem

Khan And The Constitution

An important point that has been lost in all the controversy over Khizr Khan's DNC speech and Donald Trump's response to it is that Khan's main point was shockingly wrong. He suggested that Trump's proposal to temporarily halt Muslim immigration is unconstitutional. He even brandished a pocket copy of the Constitution to punctate his point and accused Trump of never having read it.

America and Immigration, Texas Fights Back On Life

America and Immigration

Results of a new poll conducted by Breitbart News/ Gravis Marketing on American attitudes toward immigration will be a shock to many political and media elites. Some highlights:

Officer Down, Hillary Makes "Herstory"

Officer Down

Just when it seems that tensions might be relaxing a bit, there comes the heartbreaking news of another police shooting. Late last night, two San Diego officers, members of the gang suppression unit, were shot during a routine traffic stop. Sadly, one of these courageous men has since died.

Anti-Semitism On The Rise, The Insanity Of The Left, A Sign Of Hope

Anti-Semitism On The Rise

The ancient evil of anti-Semitism is on the rise. And for all the talk of tolerance and diversity, one of the most dangerous places for a Jew today is on an American university campus.

A new study that monitored activity at more than 100 American colleges and universities since 2015, found a dramatic increase in anti-Semitic events in the first half of this year. Here are some key findings of the study, which catalogued nearly 300 anti-Semitic incidents in the past six months:
