End of Day Archives
Wednesday, February 20, 2013 |
Another Foreign Policy Fiasco The fundamental transformation of America, economically and culturally, is obvious to most of you, and we are doing all that we can to fight back. But the damage to our foreign policy is not so obvious, and the mess that is being made will be very hard for the next president to clean up. |
Tuesday, February 19, 2013 |
Obama Denounces His Own Idea We're just days away from the looming sequestration cuts, which politicians on both sides of the aisle claim they want to avoid. But rather than coming up with solutions, President Barack Obama delivered another stump speech today defending big government at a highly-staged White House event. |
Friday, February 15, 2013 |
You Did It You did it! Yesterday we asked for your help in stopping the confirmation of former Nebraska Senator Chuck Hagel to be Secretary of Defense. Capitol Hill was inundated with calls and emails. When the vote was taken Democrats were two votes short of the 60 votes needed to end the filibuster. But this fight isn't over. |
Thursday, February 14, 2013 |
Stop Hagel! As I reported yesterday, there is a real chance to still stop the nomination of former Senator Chuck Hagel to be Secretary of Defense. Hagel is anti-Israel and soft on Iran, and he would make it easy to decimate the budget of the Department of Defense. |
Wednesday, February 13, 2013 |
State Of The Union If you didn’t stay up for the State of the Union last night, I don’t blame you. It offered little in the way of innovative policy proposals or bipartisan aisle-crossing and instead focused on a recitation of Obama’s first term “accomplishments” and an unapologetic defense of Big Government. Only many of Obama’s claims were dubious at best. It would take twenty pages to examine all of Obama’s claims, so I’ll focus below on just a few. |
Tuesday, February 12, 2013 |
What’s He Hiding? The Senate Armed Services Committee was scheduled to vote today on Chuck Hagel's nomination to be Secretary of Defense. If his nomination is voted out of committee, some Senate Republicans are signaling that they are prepared to filibuster Hagel’s nomination, a move that would require that Hagel receive 60 votes in the Senate to be confirmed. Hagel may not have enough support in the Senate to beat a filibuster. |
Monday, February 11, 2013 |
The Neurosurgeon’s Speech Ben Carson is a Johns Hopkins neurosurgeon who spoke before President Obama at this year’s National Prayer Breakfast. In his speech, Carson denounced political correctness and pointed out that freedom of speech is one of our God-given rights and that political correctness tries to smother it. |
Friday, February 8, 2013 |
No Deal! Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, released a statement yesterday rejecting the so-called “modification” submitted by the Obama administration to the HHS contraceptive mandate. The administration had proposed allowing more religious groups to opt out of having to directly pay for the employees’ contraceptives and abortion-inducing drugs. But it offered no exemptions for private businesses owned by committed Christians that don’t want to pay for them. |
Wednesday, February 6, 2013 |
Boy Scouts Update |
Tuesday, February 5, 2013 |
Most Fear The Federal Government Ronald Reagan once said that the nine most terrifying words in the English language are: “I'm from the government and I'm here to help.” It turns out most Americans still agree with the Gipper. A recent Pew Research Center for the People and the Press poll found that 53% of Americans believe the federal government threatens their personal rights and freedoms. That’s up from 45% in 2003 and 36% in 1995. |