End of Day Archives
Monday, February 6, 2017 |
Judging Trump's Order Friday afternoon, a federal judge in Seattle suspended President Trump's executive order halting refugees from entering the country. Over the weekend, an emergency request by the Trump Administration to reinstate the president's order was denied. I think it is important to revisit the issue to better understand why President Trump took the action he did. |
Friday, February 3, 2017 |
Targeting Tehran In yet another dramatic break from the past eight years, the Trump Administration announced this morning that it was imposing new sanctions against the Islamic Republic of Iran. The sanctions target "multiple entities and individuals involved in procuring technology and/or materials to support Iran's ballistic missile program, as well as for acting for or on behalf of, or providing support to, Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Quds Force." |
Thursday, February 2, 2017 |
The President & Prayer President Donald Trump spoke this morning at his first National Prayer Breakfast. The event is a long-standing Washington tradition where members of both parties come together to honor the importance of faith and America's Judeo-Christian heritage. |
Wednesday, February 1, 2017 |
Gorsuch Is Great! Americans who care about the intent of our Founding Fathers were ecstatic last night when President Trump announced that Judge Neil Gorsuch was his choice to fill the Scalia vacancy on the Supreme Court. The rollout of the nomination was extraordinary. In recent days, the media and the left have been pushing the narrative that Trump doesn't know what he is doing and that there is chaos in the administration. But last night's announcement was masterful. |
Tuesday, January 31, 2017 |
New Sheriff In Town Once again, Donald Trump proved that there is a new sheriff in town. Last night he fired Acting Attorney General Sally Yates, an Obama loyalist. Yates refused to defend President Trump's order imposing a temporary immigration moratorium on seven countries infected by radical Islamic terrorism. |
What You Need To Know, Media Malpractice |
Media Malpractice Late Friday afternoon, President Trump signed an executive order designed to keep radical Islamic terrorists out of the country. Immediately the left and its media allies went on the attack. |
March For Life, This Year Is Different, Pence Praises Pro-life Movement, Pro-Life America |
March For Life Today hundreds of thousands of people came to Washington, D.C., to stand for the sanctity of life. No cars were burned. No windows were smashed. No garbage was burned in the streets. No innocent bystanders were assaulted by the marchers. No police officers were sent to the hospital. This was a peaceful demonstration led by men and women of faith who are here to defend innocent human life. The annual March for Life is always one of the highlights of the year. |
The Left Reacts, Mexico Responds, Is The U.N. Next?, Refugee Reform |
The Left Reacts As expected the left is reacting furiously to yesterday's announcements by President Trump that we are taking control of our borders and enforcing our immigration laws. Politico writes that liberals are launching "a scorched-earth, not-now-not-ever model of opposition," opting for "a hard-line, give-no-quarter posture, a reflection of a seething base that will have it no other way." |
A Big Day!, Investigating Voter Fraud, House Makes Hyde Permanent |
A Big Day! Last night, President Trump tweeted, "Big day planned on NATIONAL SECURITY tomorrow. Among many other things, we will build the wall!" Today he followed through with two executives orders. |
Trump Gets Labor Love, About That March. . ., Gold Star Families Attacked |
Trump Gets Labor Love Yesterday at the White House, President Trump met with ten top business leaders. What struck me about the meeting was that this was a businessman talking to businessmen and women. He vowed to slash regulations, ideally by as much as 75%. |