End of Day Archives

Results, How To Respond, Belgium's 9/11, Bankrupting Nuns, Purim

Results: The Democrats

Senator Bernie Sanders notched two wins last night. He won Idaho 78% to 21% and carried Utah by an even larger margin -- 80% to 20%. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton carried Arizona 58% to 40%.

The delegate allocation from the three states slightly favored Sanders -- 57 to 51. But he is still a long way from catching Mrs. Clinton. In the total delegate count for the Democrat nomination, Hillary Clinton has 1,681 delegates (71% of the total needed to win the nomination) to 937 for Senator Sanders.

ISIS Attacks Brussels, Open Borders, Castro Castigates America. . . Obama Agrees

ISIS Attacks Brussels

Once again, jihadists have struck in the heart of Europe, this time in Brussels, Belgium. Reports indicate that at least 30 people were killed and more than 180 were wounded after coordinated attacks at an airport and subway station. ISIS has taken credit for the attack.

The Brussels attack follows a bombing over the weekend in Istanbul, Turkey, in which a suicide bomber stalked a group of Israelis. He blew himself up as they were leaving a restaurant, killing four people, including two Americans.

Big Day In D.C., The Intolerant Left, Obama Snubbed Again

Big Day In D.C.

It's a big day in the nation's capital. Donald Trump is reaching out to congressional Republicans and other party insiders today. The GOP front-runner is hosting a private meeting at a law firm near Capitol Hill. Senators Jeff Sessions and Tom Cotton are expected to attend.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Kerry Sees The Obvious

After seven years of radical Islam rampaging across the Middle East -- massive killings, pledges by ISIS to drive Christians out of the region, beheadings and crucifixions -- Secretary of State John Kerry has finally decided that genocide is taking place. Yesterday, Kerry officially designated the atrocities committed by ISIS against Christians and other religious minorities in the region as genocide.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Merrick The Moderate? Hardly

We are learning more about President Obama's nominee to the Supreme Court, Judge Merrick Garland. The White House and its allies have attempted to spin a narrative that Garland is a moderate judge whom Senate conservatives should be eager to confirm. But he is hardly a moderate.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Obama's Supremely Bad Nominee

At the White House this morning, President Obama announced his nominee for the Supreme Court -- Judge Merrick Garland of the Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia.

The media are dutifully attempting to spin Garland as a "centrist" or a "consensus choice." Consider this headline from the Los Angeles Times: "It's Going To Be Hard For Conservatives To Oppose The Careful, Moderate Merrick Garland."

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Survival Tuesday

Voters are going to the polls today in five states: Florida, Illinois, Missouri, North Carolina and Ohio. For Democrats, 691 delegates are at stake. For Republicans, 358 delegates are up for grabs.

Some pundits have taken to calling today's round of voting "Survival Tuesday" because Republicans are entering the first round of "winner-take-all" contests, and the stakes are so high for Florida Senator Marco Rubio and Ohio Governor John Kasich.

Monday, March 14, 2016

The Left Attacks

Of all the counterproductive things that have happened in the campaign this year, perhaps the most troubling took place Friday night. A left-wing mob organized by MoveOn.org, activists from the Black Lives Matter and Occupy Wall Street movements, and a dozen other radical groups, sent thousands of people into the streets of Chicago and inside an arena where Donald Trump was scheduled to speak. Bill Ayers even showed up, too.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Debate Recap

Last night's Republican debate thankfully had a lot less vitriol and a good discussion of the issues. There were clear policy differences, but the exchanges avoided the schoolyard taunts that have dominated previous debates.

Perhaps the best example of the new-found civility came when Donald Trump tried to explain that while he was pro-Israel, he would, nevertheless, maintain a position of neutrality between the Israelis and Palestinians during any peace talks.

Debate Night, Open Borders?, Palestinian Terrorist Kills U.S. Veteran, Reagan & Blue Collar Workers

Debate Night

Tune in tonight for the twelfth Republican presidential primary debate. Tonight's debate will take place in Miami, Florida, and will be broadcast live on CNN at 8:30 p.m. ET.

You can also watch the debate live online at CNN.com.

Open Borders?
