End of Day Archives

Misjudgment, Post Pans Pact, Democrats Demand Say, Sleeper Issue, Paul Jumps In

"Fundamental Misjudgment" 

During an interview with National Public Radio this morning, President Obama attempted to explain why he opposes linking the Iranian nuclear deal to formal recognition of Israel's right to exist. Obama said:

About That Deal, Not Verifiable, Who's Happy

About That Deal 

Concern about the nuclear agreement negotiated between the Obama White House and the Islamic regime in Iran grew over the weekend. That's not at all surprising given some headlines that emerged following Thursday's announcement. 

President Obama was quick to declare this a "good deal" and "our best option," but few are rushing to embrace his view. For example: 

Good Friday

There is plenty of disheartening and worrisome news. On this day that Christ carried his cross through the streets of Jerusalem, 147 Christians are being mourned in Kenya. They were brutally murdered because they believed in Him. 

Iran is on the way to a nuclear bomb. 

Two women were arrested in New York who allegedly believed they could only please their god by killing us. 

Here at home Judeo-Christian values continue to be pushed out of the public square. 

Talks Continue, Americans Support Religious Liberty, Kenya Slaughter, Chag Sameach

To Be Continued 

Negotiators in Switzerland have reached an agreement for this phase of the Iranian nuclear talks. It likely has as many holes as a piece of Swiss cheese. 

Earlier today the Associated Press reported: "Western officials say that Iran and the United States have agreed on the outlines of an understanding that would open the path to a final phase of nuclear negotiations."

So, just to be clear, we've got "outlines" of an "understanding" to a "path" that leads to a "phase." Got it?

Divide And Conquer, April Fools, Losing Howard Dean, The Abortion Spa

Divide And Conquer? 

The fight Indiana Governor Mike Pence finds himself in has been made incredibly more difficult by the involvement of some big corporations, along with weak-kneed Republicans in the state. The governor is now in a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" corner. He needs our prayers.

Pouncing On Pence, More Talks, Americans Stand With Israel, Clinton’s Credibility

Pouncing On Pence 

Indiana Governor Mike Pence held a press conference today to counter media misinformation about Indiana's Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Now the same media critics who distorted the law are suggesting that Pence is abandoning the law. 

Deal Or No Deal, Defector Blasts Talks, Servergate, Faith Under Fire

Deal Or No Deal? 

News broke over the weekend that Western and Iranian negotiators had reached a "tentative agreement" regarding Iran's nuclear program. But reports late last night indicate that the Iranians are now demanding additional concessions.

Iran had agreed to surrender its uranium stockpile to Russia so that it could not be processed into material for a nuclear weapon. Now the Islamic Republic is insisting it be allowed to keep its uranium. 

Sellout Sunday, Demonizing Religious Liberty, Dueling Budgets, Conservative Cruise

Sellout Sunday? 

There is speculation based on the travel schedules of the key figures involved in the Iranian nuclear negotiations that a potential deal could be announced this Sunday. From everything we know, that deal will be a disaster for us and our allies, and a gift for the Iranian regime.

Consider the news just from the past week:

Obama's Bad Deal, Bizarre Left-Wing Mind, Indiana Defends Religious Freedom, Pilot Crashed Plane

Obama's Bad Deal 

After a ten month investigation, the Army formally charged Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl yesterday with two charges: One count of desertion and one count of misbehavior before the enemy. The first charge carries a penalty of five years in prison. The second charge is far more serious and could send Bergdahl to prison for the rest of his life. 

Obama's Secret Deal, Iran Cannot Be Trusted, Crony Capitalism

BREAKING NEWS: The Army is charging Bowe Bergdahl with desertion and misbehavior before the enemy. So it's now official -- Obama traded five Taliban "generals" for a deserter. 

Obama's Secret Deal 

State Department Spokeswoman Jen Psaki went "on the record" last night with Fox News host Greta Van Susteren. Greta went straight to a major concern about the pending deal with Iran -- the degree of secrecy that surrounds it and President Obama's refusal to submit it to Congress.
