End of Day Archives

Ebola Day 3, Ebola Tourism, Panetta Pans Obama

Ebola In America: Day 3 

There are disturbing reports today out of Dallas, once again demonstrating how easily our "emergency protocols" can breakdown. 

News reports are using the word "chaos" to describe the situation at the apartment complex where Thomas Duncan's relatives are staying. The family is now under armed guard because they reportedly violated their quarantine orders. 

Ebola Day 2, Shut Down?, Bad News for Obamacare

Ebola In America: Day 2 

Forty-eight hours after reports of the first confirmed case of Ebola in America made headlines, the news isn't getting any better. The more we learn the more questions we have.

We now know that the Ebola victim, Thomas Duncan, DID inform the hospital staff during his first visit that he had recently been in Liberia. That very same hospital had also just performed "a run-through of procedures to follow if an Ebola case presented there." In spite of this, confusion prevailed and Mr. Duncan was sent home with antibiotics. 

Obama & Ebola, Secret Service Scandal, Goodbye Sandra, Lena Gets Loony

Obama & Ebola 

Late yesterday afternoon, news broke that the first case of Ebola in America had been discovered in Dallas, Texas.

Obama Misses Intel Briefings, Leader Of Free World Speaks

Briefings? What Briefings? 

In yesterday's report, we commented on President Obama's passing the buck by appearing to blame the intelligence community for missing the threat posed by the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. As we noted, there really was no excuse for anyone being so uninformed. Last year, Iraq's prime minister came to Washington pleading for help in fighting ISIS.

Obama Passes The Buck, Beheading Update, Values Voter Summit Success

Obama Passes The Buck 

Harry Truman popularized the phrase "The Buck Stops Here" with a plaque that sat on his desk in the Oval Office for much of his presidency. It's a concept that seems lost on the current occupant of the Oval Office.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Holder Hangs It Up

Attorney General Eric Holder submitted his letter of resignation to the White House today. While he made history by being the first black attorney general, he was also a lightening rod for controversy.

NPR reports that by stonewalling the investigation of Operation Fast and Furious, Holder became the first attorney general in history to be held in contempt of Congress. By the way, a judge ruled this week that Holder must disclose the information that House Republicans have been demanding.

Obama's U.N. Mea Culpa, Defending Islam, Christians & Immigration, L'Shanah Tovah

Obama's U.N. Mea Culpa 

President Obama addressed the United Nations General Assembly today. With the war against ISIS dominating the headlines, Obama once again insisted that the Islamic State and all the other radical Islamic groups have nothing to do with Islam. He rejected the notion of a "clash of civilizations." But it most certainly is. 

I half expected the president to start singing Kumbaya or quoting Rodney King, who asked, "Can we all get along?" 

Syria, Wrong Track On Religion, Unhinged Left

Obama Bombs Syria 

U.S. forces struck Islamic State targets inside Syria for the first time last night. Command and control centers, vehicles and training camps were hit. But the likely reason for the attack was seemingly buried in most news reports. 

New Warnings, ISIS Mocks Obama, ISIS Here, Homeland InSecurity

ISIS Issues New Warning 

Deadly Competition, Obama vs. The Generals, Prayer & Pigskin, Values Voter Summit

A Deadly Competition 

With all the news about ISIS, we can't forget that Al Qaeda, contrary to the president's claims, is not on the run. In fact, CBS News reports that the most imminent threat to our security right now is likely coming from an Al Qaeda division known as the Khorasan cell.
