End of Day Archives

Iran's Influence, Erasing History, Senators vs. Secret Service

Iran’s Influence


The Islamic Republic of Iran is the world’s leading state-sponsor of terrorism. Its malignant influence in the Middle East is why the region is so volatile. But Iran’s influence isn’t limited to just the Middle East. Everywhere Tehran extends its tentacles, bad things are bound to happen.


Olympic Outrage, Crushing The Court, What's Weird

Olympic Outrage


If you missed the opening of the 2024 Paris Olympics, and I hope you did, you were spared a disgusting display of anti-Christian bigotry. Evidently, the folks at the Olympic Committee and NBC thought it would be a really good idea to mock one of the most iconic images in Christendom -- Leonardo da Vinci’s “The Last Supper.”


Gaslighting 24/7, The Left's War On Reality, The Plot Thickens

This Just In…


After a tense meeting yesterday between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Vice President Kamala Harris, Netanyahu went to Mar-a-Lago to meet with former President Donald Trump. Trump pledged to do everything he could to bring peace to the Middle East, and he promised to aggressively fight anti-Semitism wherever it appears.




Gaslighting 24/7


Lame Duck Lies, Dissing Bibi, Wray's Turn'

Lame Duck Lies


Joe Biden went on nationwide TV last night in a prime time address to the American people. He said that he would always tell us the truth, and then proceeded to tell us a litany of lies.


We thought we were going to get an explanation as to why he suddenly changed his mind about running for reelection. Instead, we got a partisan and divisive speech without one word about his health. The only “explanation” Biden offered was that he was stepping down to “pass the torch to a new generation.”


The Timeline, RNC Day 3, A Changed Party

The Timeline


Everyone agrees that the assassination attempt on Donald Trump’s life was a catastrophic security failure. We have noted several areas where security seemed to breakdown. But looking at the timeline of events raises serious concerns.


Here’s what we know (times listed are approximate):


An Agency In Crisis, Pound The Tables, Leftists Mock Trump's Wounds

An Agency In Crisis


The explanations coming out of our government about Saturday’s security failures just don’t add up. If anything, they are creating more questions and suspicions.


We have known for a while now that Donald Trump’s Secret Service detail was insufficient. The agents were overworked and undermanned, and the resources were not what they should have been.


Eagle Or Angel, Investigation Update, Loonies Of The Left

Eagle Or Angel?


Former President Trump has made it clear that he believes God saved him from the assassin’s bullet Saturday evening. He is as clear about that as Ronald Reagan was about God saving him from an assassination attempt in 1981. It’s not surprising that this view is being attacked by leftists and even a Wall Street Journal columnist.


Trump's Choice, The Hater-In-Chief, Faith Under Fire

Trump’s Choice


Former President Donald Trump announced today that Ohio Senator J.D. Vance will be his vice presidential running mate, just as our unofficial poll predicted last week.


Biden Survives, Targeting Terrorists, Your VP Pick

Biden Survives. . . For Now


With a growing number of congressional Democrats calling on President Joe Biden to drop out of the race, his performance was under the microscope yesterday during closing ceremonies at the NATO summit. Many saw it as a “make-or-break” moment for his candidacy.


Well, as one political reporter put it, the result was “probably the worst-case scenario” for the Democrat Party.


The Left Threatens Democracy, Defending Our Daughters, The Left Threatens Freedom

The Left Threatens Democracy


Late yesterday afternoon, the House of Representatives voted on the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act, or SAVE Act. The legislation would amend the 1993 Motor Voter law to require proof of citizenship when someone registers to vote to ensure that illegal aliens are not voting in our elections.


Seems like a no-brainer, right? Who could possibly be against ensuring the integrity of our elections and the democratic process?

