End of Day Archives

Monday, June 30, 2014

Supreme Court Upholds Religious Liberty 

For the third time in less than two weeks, the Supreme Court has rebuked the Obama Administration for its overreach. Today the court ruled 5-to-4 that Hobby Lobby and other closely held businesses cannot be forced to subsidize abortion-inducing drugs in violation of their deeply held religious beliefs. 

Friday, June 27, 2014

Good News! 

I know many of you have been closely following the plight of Meriam Ibrahim and praying for her and her family, as Carol and I have been. I am pleased to report that her husband, Dani, says Meriam and their family are currently at the U.S. Embassy in Khartoum. 

Her case attracted worldwide attention after Sudan's Islamic courts sentenced her to death for being a Christian. Meriam and her toddler son were thrown in jail, where Meriam gave birth to a baby girl.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Obama Loses Supreme Double Header 

The United States Supreme Court handed down decisions today in key cases involving abortion and First Amendment rights and limits on presidential power.

The abortion case arose from a Massachusetts law that prohibited sidewalk counselors and pro-life activists from getting within 35 feet of an abortion facility. The Obama Administration cared so much about maintaining unfettered access to abortion that it weighed in on behalf of the state of Massachusetts. 

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Voters: IRS Emails Deliberately Destroyed 

The latest Fox News poll should have White House aides reaching for the Maalox. While the president and his allies dig their heels in on the "phony" IRS scandal, voters are not buying their excuses.

According to the poll, 76% of voters (including nearly two-thirds of Democrats) believe that Lois Lerner's emails were deliberately destroyed to cover-up potential wrongdoing. Only 12% believe they were destroyed by mistake. 

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

VA Cover-Up "Beyond Horrible" 

There is a stunning new development in the VA scandal today. Yet another whistleblower, Pauline DeWenter, has come forward to describe a cover-up, which she says was "beyond horrible." 

It was DeWenter's job to manage the so-called "secret waiting list" and to call veterans on the waiting list to notify them when appointments were available. Unfortunately, she would sometimes learn from spouses or family members that the veteran she was attempting to reach had died while waiting in line. 

Monday, June 23, 2014

Cheney v. Paul 

The ISIS blitzkrieg continued over the weekend. Four more Iraqi towns and two border checkpoints were seized by radical jihadists. The capture of the border checkpoints is a symbolic victory for ISIS, which is trying to recreate a caliphate in Iraq and Syria. And as more Iraqi towns fall to the terrorists, Secretary of State John Kerry is in Baghdad trying to negotiate a diplomatic solution. 

Friday, June 20, 2014
Fighting For Faith and Freedom 

Today I addressed the Faith and Freedom Coalition's Road to Majority conference in Washington, D.C. The event featured a star-studded lineup of conservative leaders including Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz, Mike Lee and Allen West. The audience was enthusiastic and can't wait to cast their ballots this November! 

I used the opportunity to catalogue the left's repeated attacks on our values and urged men and women of faith to stand up and fight back. 

Open Borders Backlash

Thursday, June 19, 2014

March For Marriage 

Today Americans who support traditional marriage gathered in Washington, D.C., for the second annual March for Marriage. I am proud to say that American Values co-sponsored today's march.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Mixed Messages On Iraq 

The Wall Street Journal reports today that the Obama Administration has once again ruled out immediate air strikes in Iraq. This afternoon, congressional leaders will meet with the president at the White House, where he is expected to lay out his "comprehensive strategy," which may "potentially" include a military component. 

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: U.S. special forces have captured Ahmed Abu Khatallah, a key suspect in the 2012 Benghazi attacks. According to Rear Adm. John Kirby, Khatallah was captured Sunday and is "in U.S. custody in a secure location outside of Libya." This news comes on the heels of a new CNN poll finding that 61% of Americans feel the Obama Administration "has generally been dishonest" about the Benghazi attacks. 
