End of Day Archives

Monday, February 3, 2014

Bill O'Reilly's interview with Barack Obama last night showed Obama is changing. Instead of blaming Bush for his troubles, Obama zeroed in on Fox News as the culprit. 

Ten minutes to interview the president of the United States is a tough task. O'Reilly conducted a tougher interview than Obama usually experiences. Nonetheless, I thought O'Reilly could have done a lot more. 

For example, O'Reilly asked Obama, "Was it the biggest mistake of your presidency to tell the nation over and over, if you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance?"

Friday, January 31, 2014

House Immigration Principles 

Hold on to your hats, folks. House Republican leaders released their immigration reform principles at their caucus retreat yesterday, and all signs suggest we are headed for a bumpy ride. Reports indicate that the discussion over the principles revealed deep GOP divisions over policy and timing. 

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Obama's Iran Threat 

I want to revisit one of most significant statements Barack Obama made in his State of the Union address. Toward the end of his remarks, while discussing his foreign policy agenda, Obama warned Congress that he would veto sanctions legislation against Iran. Here's what Obama said:

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Day After 

Last night the president delivered a prime-time speech to a divided nation. As we noted in yesterday's report, only 31% of Americans believe the country is better off now than in 2009, when Obama took office. 

The general consensus is that Obama's remarks amounted to "small ball" with little substance beyond his pledge to stretch the limits of his power with more executive actions. Charles Krauthammer said: 

January Capital Prayer Alert

Capital Prayer Alert 

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The State Of Our Union 

As Barack Obama prepares to deliver his sixth State of the Union address, a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll finds that most Americans are not happy with the state of our union. Just consider these figures: 

Monday, January 27, 2014

Confidence Waning In Obama

Leading up to tomorrow night's State of the Union address, Barack Obama and his spokesmen are once again threatening to implement unilateral, constitutionally questionable executive actions if Congress will not bend to Obama's will.

On CNN yesterday, Dan Pfeiffer, a top Obama advisor, said, "He is going to look in every way he can with his pen and his phone to try to move the ball forward. We're putting an extra emphasis on it in 2014."

Friday, January 24, 2014

Virginia Legislators Defend Marriage 

The outrageous decision by Virginia's newly-elected Attorney General, Mark Herring, to ignore the will of the people and the commonwealth's constitution by refusing to defend Virginia's marriage amendment has caused a firestorm. We called on legislators in Richmond to respond boldly and they are. 

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Virginia Is For Lawlessness? 

Decades ago, Virginia tourism officials adopted the slogan, "Virginia is for lovers." With the newly-elected governor and attorney general seem determined to change the slogan to "Virginia is for lawlessness."

Earlier this week we warned that Attorney General Herring had suggested that he might not defend the popularly enacted state marriage protection amendment. During an interview on National Public Radiothis morning, Herring announced his decision: 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Defending Life 

Today marks the 41st annual March for Life, which coincides with the tragic anniversary of the Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision. That ruling has resulted in, by one count, more than 56 million abortions in America. That's 56 million innocent babies destroyed in the womb; 56 million lives never lived, their contributions to society lost forever.
