End of Day Archives
The Defund Deception, The Fallout, Back To School |
The Defund Deception
Real Olympic Gold II, Biden's Border Scandal, Biden v. DeSantis |
Real Olympic Gold II
Real Olympic Gold, More Muddled Messages, Trump's Pull In The GOP |
Real Olympic Gold
Did you see her? I'm serious, you have to watch her! I'm talking about Tamyra Mensah-Stock.
The Blame Game, Biden's Picks, Muppet Madness |
The Blame Game
A Big Bad Bill, The Protests Continue, About That Lab |
A Big, Bad Bill
America's Got Buyer's Remorse, He's No FDR, Pelosi's Power Trip |
America's Got Buyer's Remorse
Biden's Border Scandal, A Really Bad Deal, Targeting The Second Amendment |
Biden's Border Scandal
I've been in Washington for a long time. I've seen a lot of bureaucratic mistakes and more than a few scandals. But I've never seen anything so suicidal for our country as what Joe Biden is doing right now.
Fighting The Good Fight, Muddled Messages, Biden's Health Crisis |
Fighting The Good Fight
If you've been around for a while in the great battle to preserve religious liberty, defend our Judeo-Christian values and the sanctity of life, you certainly know the name James Dobson.
The COVID Contrast, A Shocking Coincidence, Confronting Communist China |
The COVID Contrast
America's Crime Problem, Coddling Communist China, Liberal Injustice |
America's Crime Problem
Every day the news brings more disturbing headlines of spiking crime all over the country. This isn't just petty crime like vandalism. It's vicious assaults on women, the elderly and children. It's murder, rape and mob violence. Just consider this headline: "915 Shootings In The Past Week Across The U.S., With 430 People Dead."