End of Day Archives

Jobs Boom, Standing With Israel, Other Headlines

Jobs Boom
The economy is chugging along -- 263,000 new jobs were created last month, well above economists' expectations of 190,000 new jobs.  The unemployment rate fell to 3.6%, a 49-year low!
But wait. . . There's more!

Barr Turns The Tables, Executing Babies, Holocaust Remembrance Day

Barr Turns The Tables
Attorney General William Barr was scheduled to testify before the House Judiciary Committee today.  But he declined to appear. 
For some reason, Chairman Jerry Nadler insisted on having committee lawyers question Barr.  Eighteen liberals on the House Judiciary Committee have law degrees.  Why is it necessary for additional committee lawyers to question Barr?   

Mueller vs. Barr, Venezuela On The Verge, National Day Of Prayer

Mueller vs. Barr
Attorney General William Barr testified today before the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding his oversight of the Mueller report. 
Conveniently, less than 24 hours before Barr was set to appear before the committee, the Washington Post ambushed the attorney general with a hit piece suggesting that his March memo summarizing the conclusions misrepresented Mueller's views. 

No Deal, Kudos To The FBI, Getting Noticed

No Deal?
Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi met with President Trump today to discuss an infrastructure deal.  Infrastructure, if done right, is a good deal all around.  And I don't mean Obama's not-so-shovel ready stimulus projects.
Everyone knows we need more and better roads, bridges and airports in the United States.  The construction jobs created by these projects could employ tens of thousands of middle class workers. 

Poway Synagogue Shooting, The President's Response, Fighting Religious Persecution

Poway Synagogue Shooting
On the last day of Passover, a 19 year-old filled with hate entered the Chabad of Poway synagogue, north of San Diego, and opened fire.  The Poway attack came six months to the day after the attack on the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh.

GDP Up, Getting Tough, Babies vs. Cancer

The economy continues to defy expectations.  First quarter economic growth came in at 3.2%, beating expectations of 2.5%.  According to CNBC, "It was the first time since 2015 that first-quarter GDP topped 3%."

Deep State In Deep Trouble, Romney's Resistance, 2020 Update

Deep State In Deep Trouble
Former federal prosecutor Joe diGenova raised plenty of eyebrows during his appearance on Fox News last night.  In an interview with Mike Huckabee, diGenova made a number of claims, which, if true, indicate that the deep state is in deep trouble.  For example:

Trump Fights Back, Left-wing Lunacy, Fighting For Faith, Family & Freedom

Trump Fights Back
Special Counsel Robert Mueller has concluded his investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election.  He has submitted his report to Attorney General William Barr, who made the report available to the public and to members of Congress. 
Mueller found no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia and did not charge the president with obstruction of justice.  Case closed, right?  Well, not exactly.

The War Against Christians, 2020 Update, Citizenship & The Court

The War Against Christians
As the official death toll rises to 321, ISIS is now taking credit for the suicide bombings against Christians in Sri Lanka.  The Islamic State says that the bombings were in retaliation for the Christchurch mosque attack.  Nonsense.  The attacker of the New Zealand mosque was not a Christian.

Easter Atrocity, More Attacks, What Next

Easter Atrocity
Like many of you, Carol and I were getting ready to go to church Sunday when we heard the horrific news of yet another Islamic supremacist attack against defenseless Christians, this time in Sri Lanka. 
