End of Day Archives
NARAL vs. Doritos?, Gaga's Greatest Hit, GOP Fireworks |
NARAL vs. Doritos? The radical pro-abortion group NARAL is, once again, doing its best to prove that the left denies the basic science of biology. Doritos aired an amusing Super Bowl ad showing a husband eating the famous nacho chips during his wife's ultrasound. Frustrated with her husband's inattentiveness, she has the expected reaction. But when her husband starts waving a chip around, the baby in utero starts following it. She wants one! Watch the ad here. |
Border Security Is National Security, Obama Wants To Raise Your Taxes, Failing Our Children; Failing America |
Border Security Is National Security It is a phrase I have repeated over and over again during recent national debates about immigration reform: "Border security is national security." There is nothing racist or bigoted about that statement. It is simply common sense. And it is a lesson Europe is learning the hard way. |
Obama's Muddled Message, Obama's Contradiction, Stop Blaming Us!, President Bloomberg? |
Obama's Muddled Message I read the president's speech to the Islamic Society of Baltimore and found that it was a very muddled message. Below are a few quotes from the speech followed by my response. BARACK OBAMA: But on top of that, as Muslim Americans, you also have another concern -- and that is your entire community so often is targeted or blamed for the violent acts of the very few. |
Obama's Alternate Reality, What The President Should Say, Observations From Iowa |
Obama's Alternate Reality In the wake of the Paris and San Bernardino attacks -- terrorist atrocities carried out by radical Islamist supremacists -- President Obama is visiting a synagogue today to reassure Americans concerned about rising anti-Semitism. No, wait. . . that's not right. Sorry, folks, he's going to a church to express his outrage over the unprecedented level of Christian persecution taking place in the world today. Oops, wrong again. |
Cruz Wins, Trump Scores Strong Second, Rubio Impresses, Democrats Divided |
Cruz Wins In an Iowa caucus that broke all turnout records, with more than 186,000 Republicans participating, Ted Cruz defied the polls by defeating Donald Trump 28% to 24%. Cruz's ground game and turnout effort impressed even seasoned Iowa operatives. |
The Voting Begins, Your Prediction, Ayatollah Honors Hostage Takers |
The Voting Begins After a year of campaigning, countless speeches and town hall events, and numerous debates, it is time for the voting to begin. Iowans will go to caucuses tonight to help select the next president of the United States, and polls suggest the contests are neck-and-neck. Among Democrats, yesterday's Des Moines Register poll found Hillary Clinton leading Bernie Sanders by three points, 45% to 42%, within the poll's margin of error. |
Media Bias, Americans Demand Action, Is Something's Happening? |
Media Bias There is a reason Fox News has been so successful. After decades of domination by left-wing networks, Fox burst onto the scene offering viewers something very different -- fair and balanced coverage of the news and current events. Yet I must confess that, in spite of everything Fox News has done for the conservative movement, I was deeply disappointed by some of last night's questioning. For example, let's examine the way the moderators approached two of the most important issues in this campaign: Terrorism and immigration. |
Debate Night, Carter Complains, The Useless U.N., Khamenei Does It Again |
Debate Night Tune in for tonight's Republican presidential debate on Fox News. This will be the final debate before the Iowa caucuses take place, the last chance for each candidate to make his or her pitch and score points with undecided Iowa caucus-goers. The "undercard" debate will begin at 7:00 pm ET and feature Carly Fiorina, Jim Gilmore, Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum. |
Never Again, It's Happening Here Too, Israel Attacked |
Never Again Seventy-one years ago today, Soviet forces liberated the Nazi concentration camps at Auschwitz, revealing some of the worst horrors of the Holocaust. More than one million people were systematically murdered at Auschwitz. Nearly all of them were Jews, killed as part of Hitler's "final solution to the Jewish question," which ultimately claimed six million Jewish lives. |
Pro-Life Journalists Indicted, Poll Position, Fighting Fraud, Terror Mega-Merger |
Pro-Life Journalists Indicted A grand jury in Harris County, Texas, has indicted two pro-life journalists, David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt, with the Center for Medical Progress (CMP). As you no doubt recall, CMP is the group responsible for the disturbing undercover videos that exposed Planned Parenthood's trafficking in baby body parts. |