End of Day Archives

Are Polls Broken?, The Million Student March

Are Polls Broken?

Honoring Our Vets, GOP Debate

Honoring Our Vets

Today is Veterans Day - a day set aside to recognize the courage and sacrifice of the men and women who have served our country in uniform. The day originally began as Armistice Day to mark the 11 AM ceasefire on November 11, 1918 that ended World War I. Congress voted to change the name to Veterans Day in 1954 to commemorate veterans of all wars.

To the millions who have always been there to stop the tyrant, protect the weak and preserve the peace - we have not forgotten you. A grateful nation thanks God for giving us heroes like you.

The Viruses Infecting American Universities, A Blow To Obama On Immigration, Mea Culpa

The Viruses Infecting American Universities

Many American universities have become hotbeds of political correctness, racial identification politics, anti-Americanism and, increasingly, anti-Semitism. At the University of Missouri, racial grievance politics is thriving.

On Monday the university's system president and the chancellor of the flagship campus were forced to resign. For what? I've read two dozen articles about the "controversy" and in all honesty haven't been able to identify anything either of them did wrong.

Ben Carson Must Be Destroyed - Not

Ben Carson Must Be Destroyed - Not

Big media has zeroed in on Carson because he is the new frontrunner for the GOP presidential nomination. They're also targeting him because he is a man of faith and, let's be honest, because he is a black conservative. Recent polling shows Carson would get 20 percent of the African American vote against Hillary Clinton, a result that would devastate her election chances and destroy the whole left wing narrative about race.

Clinton's Contract, Obama Rejects Keystone Pipeline, Nothing To See Here. . ., The Elite Eight

Clinton's Contract

The day after Hillary Rodham Clinton became secretary of state in 2009, she signed a contract with the American people, not figuratively, but literally.

She signed a Sensitive Compartmented Information Nondisclosure Agreement -- a contract acknowledging that she held a very special position that would put her in possession of extremely important information. Information that had to be handled with the utmost care.

Did ISIS Bomb Plane?, Ban The Blade?, Feminists Fight Back

Did ISIS Bomb Plane?

Intelligence information increasingly suggests that a bomb brought down Russian Metrojet Flight 9268 over the Sinai Peninsula, killing 224 people. ISIS, which is known to be operating in the area, was quick to claim responsibility.

The region is extremely popular with tourists, but the Sharm el-Sheikh airport is reportedly well-known for its lax security. It is believed that ISIS operatives smuggled a bomb on board the plane at the airport.

Off-Year Results, Backlash, Not Benefits

Off-Year Results

Several states and localities held off-year elections yesterday. Here's a brief summary of the major contests.

The Left's Lawlessness, The Left's Radical Agenda, Soros Says. . ., Stand With Israel

The Left's Lawlessness

There are disturbing reports in a leading Capitol Hill newspaper that the Obama Administration is, once again, looking for ways to circumvent Congress and ignore the courts.

Using his pen and his phone, Obama is hoping to enact a radical climate change agreement through executive regulation, just like he did with the Iranian nuclear deal.

Obama's Jail Break, Servergate Update, Victory For Free Speech, Goodbye, Fred

Obama's Jail Break

Over the weekend, 6,000 so-called "non-violent criminals" were released from federal prisons, part of the Obama Administration's efforts to relax sentences for non-violent drug offenders. An additional 8,500 prisoners may be deemed eligible for early release next year. And that is just the tip of the iceberg.

Administration officials estimate that as many as 46,000 prisoners may have their sentences reduced over the next few years, leading to what one report called "the biggest prisoner release in U.S. history."

The Fallout Continues, Border Security Is National Security, Kudos To North Carolina

The Fallout Continues

The fallout from Wednesday's contentious CNBC debate continues. Politico reports that the Republican presidential candidates are taking matters into their own hands.

Representatives from at least nine campaigns will be meeting in Washington, D.C., Sunday to discuss how they can force changes to the debate structure. No one from the Republican National Committee (RNC), which set up this process with the media, has been invited.
