End of Day Archives

Speaker Ryan, Cruz & Rubio Score Big, The Biggest Loser

Speaker Ryan

Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin became Speaker Ryan this morning. In doing so, he becomes the youngest speaker of the House in nearly 150 years. He is now second in the line of presidential succession, behind Vice President Joe Biden.

Something To Strive For?, Comey Vs. Obama, The Anti-Israel Left, Poll Position

Something To Strive For?

When we think of things worth striving for, usually something noble comes to mind -- striving for a better education, a new job or reaching a life goal. But by the standards of most Americans, one abortionist is striving for something sinister.

The latest undercover video exposing Planned Parenthood's barbaric fetal harvesting practices features Dr. Amna Dermish discussing how she was trained to "get the specimens out pretty intact."

This Weekend's "Cycle Of Violence", Jeb Has Better Things To Do?, Getting Gridlock Wrong, Clinton Defends The VA Mess

This Weekend's "Cycle Of Violence"

Friday, an Israeli family, driving near Beit El, was attacked with firebombs. A four year-old girl suffered burns to more than 35% of her body. Her parents and two siblings were also wounded.

Saturday, a 16 year-old Palestinian pretending to be a candy salesman attempted to stab Defense Ministry security guards near Jenin and was shot.

What We Learned, Hillary's War, Planned Parenthood Next, The Battle For Iowa

What We Learned

Contrary to the consensus media narrative that nothing new was learned at yesterday's Benghazi hearing, there were in fact a number of revelations. And before the media absolves former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton completely, remember that there is still an active FBI investigation that could result in Mrs. Clinton facing charges under the Espionage Act.

Focus, Please, Second Thoughts?, Hillary To The Hill, Obama Vetoes Defense Budget

Focus, Please

In recent weeks across the nation of Israel, fanatical Palestinian Muslim youths have attacked and killed Israeli Jews. Using knives, axes, and ice picks, they have murdered grandmothers, women and children. The United Nations has collectively yawned.

Farewell To Clock Boy, Ryan's Conditions, Trump vs. Political Correctness, Biden's Out

Farewell To Clock Boy

Don't cry, America, but we are losing Ahmed Mohamed. The 14 year-old Muslim boy who built a clock (sort of) that some people mistook for a bomb (it looked like a bomb) is leaving with his family to live in Qatar.

The Face Of Evil, GOP Civil War?, If Biden Runs. . .,Webb Out

The Face Of Evil

When you think of evil in the world today, what image comes to mind? Perhaps it's the black-clad thugs of ISIS cutting the throats of Christians. Maybe it's the bespectacled Ayatollah Khamenei chanting, "Death to Israel, Death to America." Perhaps it's a steely-eyed Vladimir Putin plotting his next conquest.

All of those images would be understandable. I suspect the farthest thing from your mind would be a little girl with pink ribbons in her hair.

What Deal?, 9/11 & Immigration, Will Joe Run?

What Deal?

Yesterday President Obama issued orders for the government to begin the process of lifting sanctions against Iran as required by the nuclear deal. But do we even have a deal?

The Iranian parliament, the Majlis, approved the deal last week, but that doesn't mean anything. Moreover, the Iranians are again demanding that sanctions be "terminated" rather than suspended.

"Day Of Rage", Emails & Espionage, Obama Vs. The Generals, Bathroom Battles, Goodbye, Macel

"Day Of Rage"

Israelis are on heightened alert today after the terrorist group Hamas declared Friday to be a "day of rage." Palestinians began the day by taking out their rage on Joseph's Tomb in Nablus, setting fire to the Jewish holy site. Reports indicate the shrine suffered serious damage.

The Washington Post tells us that Muslims supposedly "venerate the site." Yet it was attacked and destroyed by Palestinian mobs in 2000.

More "Nonsense" About Israel, Fighting For Life

More "Nonsense" About Israel

Yesterday a State Department spokesman attempted to clarify recent remarks by Obama Administration officials regarding the recent wave of Palestinian terrorism in Israel. The clarification was more of the same verbal vomit that encourages our enemies and demoralizes our friends.

"We recognize that incitement can go both ways here. Whether it's action or rhetoric, it's things that encourage others to continue this cycle of violence," said State Department spokesman John Kirby.
