End of Day Archives
Children At Risk Part II, Her Name Was Ella French, Are You A Slave To The Left |
Children At Risk Part II
As I previously noted, Dr. James Dobson and I recently taped two broadcasts for his Family Talk radio show. The occasion was the 30th anniversary of the publication of "Children at Risk," a book Dr. Dobson and I wrote together.
In "Children at Risk," we warned decades ago about what was happening in our schools at the hands of radical secularists. We also warned about the rise of socialism and Marxism in America.
Children At Risk Part I, Olympics USA Beats Communist China, Globalism’s Harvest of Hate |
Children At Risk Part I
As I previously noted, Dr. James Dobson and I recently taped two broadcasts for his Family Talk radio show. The occasion was the 30th anniversary of the publication of "Children At Risk," a book Dr. Dobson and I wrote together.
In "Children At Risk," we warned decades ago about what was happening in our schools at the hands of radical secularists. We also warned about the rise of socialism and Marxism in America.
The Defund Deception, The Fallout, Back To School |
The Defund Deception
Real Olympic Gold II, Biden's Border Scandal, Biden v. DeSantis |
Real Olympic Gold II
Real Olympic Gold, More Muddled Messages, Trump's Pull In The GOP |
Real Olympic Gold
Did you see her? I'm serious, you have to watch her! I'm talking about Tamyra Mensah-Stock.
The Blame Game, Biden's Picks, Muppet Madness |
The Blame Game
A Big Bad Bill, The Protests Continue, About That Lab |
A Big, Bad Bill
America's Got Buyer's Remorse, He's No FDR, Pelosi's Power Trip |
America's Got Buyer's Remorse
Biden's Border Scandal, A Really Bad Deal, Targeting The Second Amendment |
Biden's Border Scandal
I've been in Washington for a long time. I've seen a lot of bureaucratic mistakes and more than a few scandals. But I've never seen anything so suicidal for our country as what Joe Biden is doing right now.
Fighting The Good Fight, Muddled Messages, Biden's Health Crisis |
Fighting The Good Fight
If you've been around for a while in the great battle to preserve religious liberty, defend our Judeo-Christian values and the sanctity of life, you certainly know the name James Dobson.