End of Day Archives

Terrorist Merger, Obama vs. Obama, Conservative Cruise To Alaska

Terrorist Merger 

Anti-trust regulators at the Justice Department are monitoring a potential merger involving Halliburton. They want to make sure Halliburton doesn't get a monopoly on the drilling market. But the real threat to America is not a merger of oil drilling giants. The real threat is a merger of jihadists, which just happened. 

The Associated Press reports that key figures in ISIS and Al Qaeda recently met in northern Syria and agreed to join forces in their fight against the Assad regime and moderate rebel factions. This is bad news. 

Next 26 Months, Amnesty Divide, GOP Vows To Fight

The Next 26 Months 

Barack Obama is still president for the next 26 months. Starting in January, he'll have to contend with a Republican House and Senate on matters of domestic policy and spending. But when it comes to foreign policy, the Constitution grants the president tremendous authority. 

Expect America's standing in the world to continue to decline as our enemies exploit Obama's remaining time in office. It is already happening.

Obama's Priorities, Emissions And Growth, Liberal Arrogance

Obama's Priorities 

It was announced today to much fanfare that President Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping have reached an agreement to dramatically reduce carbon emissions. Really? Carbon emissions? 

That speaks volumes about Obama's priorities. By the way, while Obama's worried about global warming, another polar vortex is hitting the country, bringing record cold temperatures and snow to several states. 

Iran's Plan, Muslim Prayers In National Cathedral, Honoring Our Heroes

Iran's Nine-Point Plan 

How deep does this administration's animus toward Israel run?

The Compromise Trap, No Amnesty, No Iranian Nukes, Reagan And The Berlin Wall

The Compromise Trap 

In the days since last week's historically disastrous election for President Obama and his liberal allies, the chattering class of TV talking heads, professional analysts and pollsters (the same experts who told us there would not be a wave election) has been telling conservatives what the election meant and what they are required to do. Establishment Republicans ought to reject the media's false narrative.

Court Gets Marriage Right, Obama, ISIS And Iran

Court Gets Marriage Right 

A federal appeals court has finally gotten it right on marriage!

Yesterday the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that states have the right to preserve the meaning of normal marriage and that thousands of years of tradition and basic biology should not be tossed aside lightly.

Obama Not Listening, Doubles Down On Amnesty, Jihad In Jerusalem

Obama: "I Hear You". . . Not! 

The Washington Post continued its post-election coverage with a front page story today headlined, "Obama To Voters: I Hear You." That is what Obama said, but no one believes it -- not even the Post'sliberal columnists. 

I don't think Obama believes it ether. During his press conference yesterday, Obama made a bizarre statement that hasn't gotten the attention I think it deserves. 

GOP Makes History, Lessons of 2014

GOP Makes History 

Last night's Republican victory was historic -- and that's not hyperbole. It is exceedingly rare for the country to experience two wave elections in a decade. Many pundits presumed that the GOP got its wave election in 2010, so it just couldn't happen again in 2014. But it did.

A Doctor To Admire, Teaching Islam In School, Values Issues Matter

A Doctor To Admire 

Nurse Kaci Hickox has certainly gotten her 15 minutes of fame for siding with Barack Obama and ignoring Ebola quarantine rules. But have you heard of Dr. Colin Bucks? Of course not. 

The Stanford Medical Center doctor also returned to America last week after treating Ebola patients in Liberia. But unlike Hickox, Dr. Bucks is cooperating with state health officials. Unlike Dr. Craig Spencer, who rode the New York subway, went bowling and lied to police about it, Dr. Bucks has stayed in his home. 

Gitmo Thugs On Battlefield, Quarantine Quarrels, CDC Lies, Fight Voter Fraud

Gitmo Thugs Back On The Battlefield 

High-level defense and intelligence officials have told Fox News that between 20 and 30 former Guantanamo Bay detainees are believed to be fighting with ISIS or Al Qaeda in Iraq and Syria. 

This is relevant news because President Obama has vowed to shut down the terrorist detention facility at Guantanamo Bay. To do that, he must either bring the terrorists here or release them, as he did with the Taliban Five. 
