End of Day Archives

Thursday, July 10, 2014

The Media's Anti-Israel Bias 

Today's Washington Post provided more proof that the media deliver the news with an anti-Israel bias. Above the fold, on the front page was this headline: "Israel Hits Gaza Homes," with the subtitle: "Children And Women Killed." The headline contained a second, smaller subtitle: "Netanyahu Blames Tactics Of Hamas."

But the bias is clear: A quick glance of the headlines would lead one to believe that Israel was indiscriminately bombing Palestinian homes, killing women and children. 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

To Impeach Or Not To Impeach 

Sarah Palin declared yesterday that it was time to impeach Barack Obama. The last straw, according to Palin, is the continuing border crisis caused in part by Obama's unwillingness to enforce our immigration laws.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The Next Intifada? 

Palestinian terrorists have fired more than 100 rockets into Israel in the past 24 hours. These latest attacks from Hamas, which is now part of the Palestinian government, are reaching further into Israel. Two rockets were intercepted by Israel's Iron Dome missile defense system over the greater Tel Aviv area. There is renewed talk of another Palestinian uprising or a third intifada. 

Monday, July 7, 2014

The Left's Immigration Insanity 

Don't let anyone tell you our borders are secure. The New York Times reports that nearly 300,000 illegal immigrants have crossed the border "in recent months." Rather than being deported, they have been dispersed throughout the country by the government. 

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Celebrating Independence Day 

Independence Day is one of my favorite holidays -- celebrating patriotism, our history and the tremendous courage, faith and sacrifices of our Founding Fathers. As the 238th birthday of America dawns tomorrow, millions will get together with friends and family for backyard barbeques, games and fireworks. 

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Open Borders Backlash 

Monday President Obama pledged to "go it alone" on immigration reform, and now he is being urged to "go big." According to various reports, pro-amnesty advocates are calling on Obama to unilaterally rewrite the nation's immigration laws "to essentially legalize the millions of undocumented immigrants who would be eligible for work permits under the bill passed by the Senate last summer." 

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

"Wild Beasts" 

Israel is weeping today. The bodies of three kidnapped Israeli boys were found yesterday in a shallow grave. Gilad Shaar, 16 years-old, Naftali Frenkel, 16 and an American citizen, and Eyal Yifrach, 19, were apparently shot by their captors. A mob stoned the ambulance that drove the boys' lifeless bodies away from the scene of their murder. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accurately called their murderers "wild beasts." 

Monday, June 30, 2014

Supreme Court Upholds Religious Liberty 

For the third time in less than two weeks, the Supreme Court has rebuked the Obama Administration for its overreach. Today the court ruled 5-to-4 that Hobby Lobby and other closely held businesses cannot be forced to subsidize abortion-inducing drugs in violation of their deeply held religious beliefs. 

Friday, June 27, 2014

Good News! 

I know many of you have been closely following the plight of Meriam Ibrahim and praying for her and her family, as Carol and I have been. I am pleased to report that her husband, Dani, says Meriam and their family are currently at the U.S. Embassy in Khartoum. 

Her case attracted worldwide attention after Sudan's Islamic courts sentenced her to death for being a Christian. Meriam and her toddler son were thrown in jail, where Meriam gave birth to a baby girl.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Obama Loses Supreme Double Header 

The United States Supreme Court handed down decisions today in key cases involving abortion and First Amendment rights and limits on presidential power.

The abortion case arose from a Massachusetts law that prohibited sidewalk counselors and pro-life activists from getting within 35 feet of an abortion facility. The Obama Administration cared so much about maintaining unfettered access to abortion that it weighed in on behalf of the state of Massachusetts. 
