End of Day Archives

Obama & The Crazies, Cancel The Dinner, Targeting The Truth

Obama & The Crazies 

At a Las Vegas conference last night, President Obama launched into another demeaning attack against his domestic political opponents. Obama told the audience that he was back from his summer vacation feeling "a little feisty" and ready to fight "the crazies" who oppose his agenda. Really?

Given history, it is crazy to believe that a regime like Iran's, which is committed to a second Holocaust, will be restrained by words on a piece of paper. 

North Korea & Iran, Heroes Prevent Slaughter, Kristol Cruise

North Korea & Iran

Tensions are rising on the Korean Peninsula. Analysts point to recent incidents in the demilitarized zone and joint U.S., South Korean military exercises as the cause. The real issue is that North Korea is run by a certifiable maniac, the latest in a string of communist dictators.

Here is the main thing to consider: For two decades a series of U.S. presidents from Bill Clinton to George Bush tried to buy off North Korea. They used a variety of half-measures to rein in the Stalinist regime. They gave diplomacy repeated chances.

Media Pile On, Take A Stand For Life, Values Summit

Media Pile On

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's email scandal continues to grow. Each new day seems to bring a new revelation, and her explanations are falling flat.

For example, even though we now know that Clinton's unsecured personal server was full of classified information, she has asserted that nothing she received was ever "marked classified."

Earlier this week, she told reporters, "I did not send classified material, and I did not receive any material that was marked or designated classified."

Inspection Scam, Another Video, Another Cyber Scandal

Iran Inspection Scam

Remember those secret side agreements that are part of the Iran nuclear deal? Members of Congress haven't read them. In fact, Secretary of State John Kerry testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee that he had not read them nor, to the best of his knowledge, had anyone else in the government.

Democrats Denounce Deal, Obama AWOL

Key Democrat Denounces The Deal

Yesterday, Senator Bob Corker (R-TN), chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, announced his opposition to President Obama's nuclear deal with Iran. So too did Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ), the previous chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Obama Caves Again, Corker Opposes Deal, Who IS Fringe

Obama Caves Again

Weeks ago, Iran told us that it would refuse to allow U.S. personnel to serve on the international inspection teams responsible for verifying Tehran's compliance with the proposed nuclear deal. That should have been a non-starter for any American administration, but the Obama/Kerry team accepted it.

Now the regime is making even more demands. Yesterday, Iran's deputy foreign minister claimed that every U.N. inspector must be vetted and approved by Iran's intelligence service.

Deal Funds Iranian Terror, Server Scandal Update

Deal Funds Iranian Terror

Critics of President Obama's nuclear deal with Iran have argued that the numerous concessions, including as much as $100 billion in sanctions relief, make the radical Islamic regime stronger and will be used to fund its terrorist activities. The leaders of the regime are confirming those fears.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Veterans Ad Gets BIG Boost

Earlier this week we told you about an extremely powerful ad opposing the nuclear deal with Iran. The ad features Staff Sergeant Robert Bartlett, an American hero who was wounded by an Iranian IED in 2005. Sergeant Bartlett warns politicians who support this deal with Iran that they "will have blood on their hands."

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Can Obama Be Trusted?

In making the case for his nuclear deal with the Islamic Republic of Iran, President Obama has frequently claimed that the inspections regime is the most intrusive ever, and if Tehran is caught cheating sanctions will be "snapped back."

There are serious deficiencies with both the inspections regime and the ability to reimpose sanctions. But the biggest fault with the deal is Obama's lack of will.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

"Blood On Their Hands"

America's wounded warriors are rising up in protest against the terrible deal with Iran. Not only does this deal sellout our security, it is a cruel insult to our troops who suffered at the hands of Iranian-made weapons in Iraq and Afghanistan.

A new group called Veterans Against The Deal is taking to the airwaves. It has just launched an extraordinarily powerful ad featuring Staff Sergeant Robert Bartlett, an American hero who was wounded by an Iranian IED in 2005.
