End of Day Archives
Better In Baltimore, Who Decides, Fighting For Religious Liberty, Congress Fights For Life |
Better In Baltimore Thousands of additional law enforcement officers managed to restore relative calm to the streets of Baltimore last night. While the riots have captured the nation's attention, there is a teachable moment here with many lessons about the left's failed policies. |
Burning Baltimore, The Left Has Failed, Marriage On Trial, Morning In America |
Burning Baltimore We reported yesterday that Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake said something extraordinarily stupid over the weekend about giving "those who wished to destroy space to do that." Her office is still trying to clarify exactly what she meant. But as the rioting raged last night, it was increasingly obvious to everyone that her "hands off" policy was doing just that -- giving thugs the space to destroy. |
Anarchy In Baltimore, Conversations With Bill |
Anarchy In Baltimore Freddie Gray's funeral took place today in Baltimore. The 25 year-old black man died on April 19th from injuries sustained while in police custody. Currently there is a state criminal investigation into the officers' conduct and a federal investigation by the Justice Department. But left-wing radicals did not bother to wait for the results of either investigation. |
Iran & Hamas, Vatican Attack Foiled, Immigration & Wages, 2016 Update, Tune In Tonight |
Iran Surrounding Israel One of the most illogical positions held by President Obama is his insistence on not conditioning the Iranian nuclear negotiations on changes in the regime's behavior. Recognizing Israel's right to exist, for example, ought to be the starting point for any talks with Iran. Does anyone lose sleep at night over the fact that France and Great Britain have nuclear weapons? Of course not. Those nations are stable, peaceful democracies. |
Kudos To Manhart, Obama Soft On Iran |
Kudos To Michelle Manhart Many of you probably heard the recent stories about Michelle Manhart. She is an Air Force veteran who attempted to rescue an American flag last week that was being desecrated by radical demonstrators at Valdosta State University in Valdosta, Georgia. She got into a scuffle with one of the protestors, Eric Sheppard, Jr., and resisted arrest by the campus police. She was briefly detained, banned from campus by the university, but Mr. Sheppard declined to press charges. |
Obamacare Of Foreign Policy, Christian Persecution, Graham & Immigration |
Obamacare Of Foreign Policy According to a Bloomberg report, the Obama Administration "has assessed for several years that Iran has been two to three months away from producing enough fissile material for a nuclear weapon." But it only publicly acknowledged that crucial information a few weeks ago. |
Jihadist Targets Churches, Obama's Mixed Messages, Liberals Love Taxes |
Jihadist Targets Churches Sunday, French authorities captured Sid Ahmed Ghlam, a 24 year-old jihadist from Algeria. He is suspected of killing Aurelie Chatelain, who was shot while sitting in her car Sunday morning. She was reportedly "riddled with bullets." This seemingly random attack isn't the real news. |
Showing Weakness, Speaking Of Enemies, Faithful Unto Death |
Showing Weakness During a White House press conference Friday, President Obama was asked about Russia's sale of advanced S-300 missile systems to Iran. The president did not use the opportunity to protest Russia's actions. Instead, Obama said that the Russians delayed the sale in 2009 "at our request" and added, "I'm, frankly, surprised that it held this long." |
Sickness Of Radical Islam, Fence Hypocrisy, Who's Your Favorite, Obama's High Horse |
The Sickness Of Radical Islam |
The Left's Extremism, Lincoln & Life, The Inevitability Question, Netanyahu Warns The World |
The Left's Pro-Abortion Extremism |