End of Day Archives

Friday, March 28, 2014

Obama And The King 

After meeting with Pope Francis yesterday, President Obama is headed to Saudi Arabia today to meet with King Abdullah. Just as Obama's NATO meetings this week were meant to reassure nervous allies, today's meeting is meant to repair strained relations with the Saudis. 

The Saudis have been very public in their displeasure with Obama's foreign policy, particularly his outreach toward Shiite Iran. One Middle East expert suggested that Riyadh's patience is wearing thin. 

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Professor Obama Lectures Europe 

President Obama wrapped up his meeting of NATO allies yesterday with a speech in Brussels that sounded more like a lecture from a college professor than a bold proclamation from the leader of the free world. For many Europeans, it seems their infatuation with Obama is over. 

Obama told our allies that every NATO member "must step up." That must seem like an odd statement after Obama cancelled missile defense systems in Poland to appease Russia and is now cutting our own military. 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The Issue Is Religious Liberty 

I want to revisit the Supreme Court's Hobby Lobby case today in view of some of the news coverage and punditry from the talking heads. The central issue of this debate is not the legality or availability of contraception. It is religious liberty.

The left is trying hard to confuse Americans about that fact. A pro-abortion and fake Catholic group ran a full-page ad in yesterday's Washington Post. It posed the question, "Who in their right mind would want a woman's boss in charge of her birth control?" 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Government Mandated Contraception Vs. Religious Liberty 

As Chief Justice John Roberts reminded us in upholding Obamacare two years ago, it is always risky to try to predict the outcome of a Supreme Court case based on oral arguments. But multiple reports suggest a clear majority of justices today were hostile to the government's defense of Obamacare's contraception mandate, which would force religious business owners to pay for abortion-inducing drugs and sterilizations. 

Monday, March 24, 2014

Running Out Of Energy? Burn The Babies 

The right to destroy innocent unborn children, a moral and cultural poison injected into the American body politic in 1973 by the Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision, has led to evils like Kermit Gosnell, the monstrous "doctor" who bizarrely displayed the arms and legs of aborted babies in jars in his office. 

Friday, March 21, 2014

Putin On The Prowl 

Over these last few weeks, while Russia was violating international law, the leader of the free world did everything he could not to be "provocative." Obama responded to the invasion of a sovereign country with which we have treaty obligations by slapping sanctions on a list of Russian citizens. Obama's response amounted to: "You invade Crimea and we are going to make it impossible for Ivan Pavlov to come to Disney World!" I doubt Putin was impressed. 

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Obama Shows His Cards, Turns His Back 

Everybody knows that in poker, you don't reveal your hand. A good foreign policy utilizes the same strategy. 

When confronting aggression by a hostile power, one of the first principles of foreign policy is never to take options off the table. We hear it all the time whenever Iran's nuclear program is in the news: "All options are on the table." 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Good Morning, Liberals! 

Just kidding, really. If you were a liberal getting up this morning, ready to fight the battle against mean, nasty conservatives, the latest Obamacare headlines would probably have you reaching for the Maalox. For example: 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Our "Prankster" President 

As we noted yesterday, the Obama Administration responded to the Crimean secession vote by imposing sanctions, which the White House was spinning as the toughest sanctions against Russia since the Cold War. That's not exactly how the Russians see it.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Fighting For Our Values 

My remarks at last week's Susan B. Anthony List gala are getting attention from the Washington Post and National Review. Here's the context of my remarks.
