Return Of The Security Moms
Two stories on the front page of today's Washington Post must have sent Obama White House aides rushing for the Maalox. One is about terrorism and the other is about the president's approval rating. They are related and they are bad news for the president.
For years, political pundits and prognosticators have obsessed over the "gender gap" and the role of women in politics. "Soccer Moms" reelected Bill Clinton in 1996. "Security Moms" reelected George W. Bush in 2004. Women swooned for Obama in 2008. And they stuck with him during the so-called "war on women" in 2012.
But now they are turning on him. The latest Washington Post/ABC News poll finds that Obama's support among female voters is cratering.
Obama's approval rating among women has fallen 16 points since 2013. Right now, women disapprove of his job performance by a six-point margin -- 44% to 50%. The Post interviewed several women to get a sense of what's causing Obama's collapsing numbers.
Kimberly Cole, who twice voted for Obama, said, "He's been faced with a lot of challenges, and he's lost his way." The Post adds that Cole "worries that Obama lacks the resolve needed at a time when things at home and abroad are looking scarier."
Karlene Richardson, previously a "very strong supporter" of Obama, said, "Honestly, I just feel that what I bought into is not what I'm getting." Richardson continued, "I'm starting to wonder whether the world takes us seriously."
The Security Moms are back!
Al Qaeda On The March
Remember how Obama bragged that his administration had "decimated Al Qaeda" and that the group was "on the run"? The other front page Washington Post story today is about how various Al Qaeda groups are once again on the march.
In his speech Wednesday night, Obama pointed to Yemen and Somalia as models of success. The Post reports, "United States is still battling al-Qaeda affiliates in countries including Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen. None of those groups has been eradicated, or even degraded to a degree that would allow U.S. counterterrorism operations to end."
And while Barack Obama continues to place limits on his strategy for confronting ISIS, the latest CIA analysis more than triples the number of ISIS fighters. CNN reports that new intelligence estimates suggest ISIS is capable of fielding an army of more than 30,000 jihadists.
Moreover, the CIA believes that 15,000 foreign fighters (including 2,000 Westerners) from at least 80 countries have joined the jihad in Syria.
If these headlines continue -- and they probably will (Australia raised its terror alert today) -- Obama's numbers could collapse even further.
Bush = Hitler
The liberal educational establishment is still suffering from BDS -- Bush Derangement Syndrome. Sixth grade English students at McKinley Middle School in Washington, D.C., were recently sent home with the following assignment:
"Now that we have read about two men of power who abused their power in various ways, we will compare and contrast them and their actions. Please refer to your texts, 'Fighting Hitler -- A Holocaust Story' and 'Bush: Iraq War Justified Despite No WMD' to compare and contrast former President George W. Bush and Hitler. We will use this in class tomorrow for an activity!"
Thankfully, outraged parents spoke up. The D.C. Public Schools system issued a statement that concluded: "The teacher deeply regrets this mistake, and any suggestion to malign the presidency or make any comparison in this egregious way. The teacher admits to extremely poor judgment and short sightedness and will apologize to students."
The teacher should apologize and then be fired!
But incidents like this are not limited to Washington, D.C. A few months ago, a California school district asked eighth graders to explore materials promoting Holocaust denial. They instructed:
"When tragic events occur in history, there is often debate about their actual existence. For example, some people claim the Holocaust is not an actual historical event, but instead is a propaganda tool that was used for political and monetary gain.
"Based upon your research on this issue, write an argumentative essay, utilizing cited textual evidence, in which you explain whether or not you believe the Holocaust was an actual event in history, or merely a political scheme created to influence public emotion and gain. Remember to address counterclaims (rebuttals) to your stated claim."
As many as 50 students concluded that the Holocaust never happened. It is shocking that something like this could happen in our schools.
Parents: As the school year begins, please be involved. Talk to your children regularly. Look over their assignments. Don't be afraid to confront school officials if necessary. Never forget that you are your child's most influential teacher!