End of Day Archives

Defending Faith & Family, Obama's Cold Shoulder, Camp Jihad, Forget The Filibuster

Defending Faith, Family & Freedom 

Today American Values, along with a coalition of other pro-family organizations, released results from a national poll we commissioned on marriage and religious liberty. Contrary to the media's left-wing narrative, the American people still believe in normal marriage. Here are the key findings: 

Administration Asks For Help, Ebola Airborne, Obama's Faith, Hollywood's Radicalism

Obama Administration Asks For Help 

After last week's conference on violent extremism that failed to identify the Islamic foundation of the enemy responsible for most of the violent extremism, the Obama Administration is now asking the public for help. On Friday the State Department tweeted out this appeal, "What Solutions Do You Think Are Most Critical To Countering Violent Extremism?" I tweeted back my answer: Get a new president.

America Stands With Israel, Christian Complications, Faith Under Fire

America Stands With Israel 

New polling confirms, once again, that American voters stand with Israel and want a tough stand against Iran's nuclear ambitions. Here are the key findings:

Summit Of Fools, Obama's Losing, Dems Diss Israel, Thankful For Global Warming

Summit Of Fools 

President Obama's White House Summit on Countering Violent Extremism contributed nothing to winning the war against radical Islam. Instead, Obama and the other speakers employed rhetoric and arguments more likely to prevent us from understanding our enemy and making the hard decisions to counter it. 

Franklin & Francis, Jobs For Jihadis, Obama's Pyrrhic Victory

Franklin, Francis & Radical Islam 

I was encouraged by Reverend Franklin Graham's clear-headed reaction to the brutal murders of 21 Egyptian Christians. Pope Francis also spoke out in unusually strong terms, saying with clarity what the Obama Administration would not. The pope said:

"Today I read about the execution of those 21 or 22 Coptic Christians. . . . They were executed for nothing more than the fact that they were Christian. The blood of our Christian sisters and brothers is testimony that cries out."

Bloody Weekend, Obama's Leadership, Being Muslim In America, Amnesty Injunction

A Bloody Weekend 

While most of us were celebrating Valentine's Day and honoring great figures of Western Civilization such as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln for Presidents Day, the jihadists were honoring the bellicose traditions of radical Islam.

Christian Genocide, Obama Unrestrained, ISIS In America, Origin Of Our Rights

Report Warns Of Christian Genocide 

Former Congressman Frank R. Wolf and his new group, 21st Century Wilberforce Initiative, has just issued a disturbing report entitled "Edge of Extinction." Its message: If ISIS is not defeated, Christians and other religious and ethnic minorities face a genocide.

The report comes after a fact-finding mission to Iraq by the Wilberforce delegation, including Wolf, Wilberforce President Randel Everett and my daughter Elyse, who is a key member of the new group's staff. 

Let Bibi Speak, Another Ceasefire, We Must Do More, Defending The Faith

Let Bibi Speak 

The joint statement Bill Kristol and I released yesterday provided some needed reinforcement for our friends on Capitol Hill. We believe it is essential for Prime Minister Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu to come here and speak BEFORE a bad nuclear deal is made with Iran. Some left-wing politicians are demanding that Netanyahu be muzzled until AFTER the deal is signed. Certainly Obama would like to see that happen. 

Obama Declares War, Costs Of Illegal Immigration, Boehner Not Budging, Atheist Hate Crimes

Obama Declares War, Sort Of 

More than six months after ordering the first air strikes, President Obama today formally asked Congress to authorize the use of military force against the Islamic State. Reaction from Congress has been mixed. 

Democrats are complaining that it is "too broad" and "open-ended." Nancy Pelosi says she is looking for something that "would limit the power of the president but nonetheless protect the American people." 

The Left-Wing Mind, Chaos From The Courts, Obama’s Credibility Gap, Whatever The Cost, Abortion Not A Social Good

Inside The Left-Wing Mind 

President Obama sat down for an interview recently with the left-wing website Vox. The interview is being widely panned. Politico accused Vox of pitching the president "softball -- no, make that Nerf ball -- questions." 

In the second-half of the lengthy interview, they ventured into foreign policy. Follow me now through the looking glass as we consider this excerpt from the president's response to a question about terrorism:
