Franklin & Francis, Jobs For Jihadis, Obama's Pyrrhic Victory

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Franklin, Francis & Radical Islam 

I was encouraged by Reverend Franklin Graham's clear-headed reaction to the brutal murders of 21 Egyptian Christians. Pope Francis also spoke out in unusually strong terms, saying with clarity what the Obama Administration would not. The pope said:

"Today I read about the execution of those 21 or 22 Coptic Christians. . . . They were executed for nothing more than the fact that they were Christian. The blood of our Christian sisters and brothers is testimony that cries out."

Few media outlets reported the statements the ISIS jihadists made about targeting Christianity and Rome -- threatening new crusades. (How can anyone possibly cling to the canard that ISIS has nothing to do with Islam?) 

You know my strong views about Obama's attempt at the National Prayer Breakfast to downplay the jihad going on today by reminding his audience of the crusades, which were fought at least 700 years ago. Here is the worst aspect of what he did: By pointing back to the crusades, Obama adopted the chosen narrative of ISIS and the other radical Islamic groups. 

The ISIS magazine frequently promotes the idea that what the jihadists are doing is just a continuation of the crusades. Now they can quote President Obama on the "terrible deeds done in the name of Christ" as justification for the ethnic and religious cleansing that occurs everywhere radical Islam is triumphant.

Even a leftist like MSNBC's Chris Matthews understands that we are being "morally humiliated" by the inept response to ISIS. 

Take a moment to read Reverend Graham's statement. He ended his remarks in almost Churchillian terms, warning, "The storm is coming." 

The confluence of statements by Reverend Graham and Pope Francis should send a strong message to pastors and priests in the United States and around the world. This is a time to preach from the pulpit about this rising threat to Judeo-Christian civilization and freedom. 

I hope more religious leaders will follow the examples of Reverend Graham and Pope Francis by doing what our own government leaders refuse to do -- provide us with the truth about the nature of this conflict, and the courage we need to defeat it. 

"Jobs For Jihadis?" 

State Department Spokeswoman Marie Harf said Monday that the basic problem fueling jihadism was a lack of jobs. She doubled down yesterday on CNN, suggesting that this line of reasoning "might be too nuanced an argument for some." She says her point is "nuanced" -- I think it is insane. What's next? A new Obama stimulus program called "Jobs for Jihadis"? 

As ridiculous as her statement sounds, it is just another variation of, "Abdul didn't get a raise at his pizza delivery job, so he decided to blow up a synagogue." Or, "Ahmed in Minneapolis didn't get into the college he wanted, so he decided to join ISIS." 

Even the vice president got in on the act at yesterday's White House conference on extremism. Biden suggested that the problem in some American Muslim communities is alienation and lack of integration. 

Muslims in America, by and large, are enjoying lives that make them the envy of Muslims throughout the world. They are enjoying the same freedoms of religion, speech and assembly that are provided to all who are fortunate enough to be part of this great nation. The number of mosques in America has nearly doubled in the past decade.

This has happened in the middle of a war that became so apparent on the morning of 9/11 -- a war being waged by jihadists who operate in the name of their faith. It is a tribute to the decency of the American people that Muslims are able to live in peace and practice their faith here much more safely than they can in many countries where their co-religionists hold power. 

I am hopeful that American Muslims will look for opportunities to express gratitude for, in many cases, their adopted nation. I hope that Muslims take the lead in removing the jihadist cancer that is growing in their midst and that they will fight the scourge of anti-Semitism, which has deep roots in Islam. I hope they reject the false narrative promoted by many on the left that American Muslims are a victimized, oppressed minority. In fact, they are blessed to be living in a nation informed by Judeo-Christian concepts of tolerance and ordered liberty. 

Obama's Pyrrhic Victory 

Polling shows that the Obama White House may have won the narrative that it was inappropriate for Speaker Boehner to invite Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address a joint session of Congress. Yet, polling also shows that the public does want to hear what Netanyahu has to say, and it does not like the way the White House is dealing with him.

According to a Bloomberg View report, by a 15-point margin, Americans disapproved of the fact that President Obama is once again refusing to meet with the Israeli leader and that Vice President Biden will not attend his speech. And by an 18-point margin, Americans were more concerned about Iran's nuclear weapons program than the manner of Netanyahu's invitation. 

Winning a debate over process when the substance of the matter involves nuclear weapons in the hands of the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism isn't much to celebrate.