Friday, October 11, 2024 -- Left-wing Hate, More Mockery, China's Smear Campaign

Friday, October 11, 2024

Left-wing Hate

Over the years, one of my greatest sources of frustration has been and continues to be the evidence that many God-fearing Christians, who are pro-life, pro-family, and pro-Israel, do not vote.

Their pastors, priests, and other church leaders studiously avoid addressing the obligation of Christian citizenship because they don’t want to get into “politics.” Sadly, this desire to avoid “politics” too often leads pastors to even avoid addressing moral issues.

The result is that many Christians are passive bystanders in the culture war that is raging around us and threatening our freedom and values. It’s not just that by failing to vote they are helping to turn America over to godless people. That’s bad enough.

But, as an observer and participant in American public life, let me tell you this undeniable fact: Large swaths of cultural influencers, leaders in the progressive movement, and left-wing allied groups, loathe, detest, and hate Christians.

Unfortunately, too many Christians fail to connect the dots. We bemoan the fact that the left owns Hollywood, the popular culture, the “arts and chardonnay” crowd, etc. Well, these people regularly mock and demonize Christians. It defines them.

They smear us as “Christian nationalists” or even “Christian supremacists.” Those slurs are deliberately meant to link us to bigotry like “white nationalists” or “white supremacy.”

And when someone like Hollywood bigwig Rob Reiner smears Christians, Democrats never, never, never condemn it or disavow it. They never say, “I’m returning any donations from that person because of their disgusting bigotry.”

There is not enough space in this report to list all the times someone in the “arts and entertainment” crowd mocked Christians. Remember the Olympics? They thought it would be really cool to depict the Last Supper as a drag show. And Jill Biden loved it.

This week, Don Lemon went on the Michael Steele Podcast -- yes, that Michael Steele, the former RNC chairman, who is now a raving Trump-hater. Lemon said that Joseph, the husband of Mary and the earthly father of Jesus, was gay and helped Mary because he didn’t want the fundamentalists to stone her to death.

Is that funny to you? Well, Lemon and Steele were laughing their heads off. I’d like to see him say, “Muhammad was gay.”

I’m sure you remember Barack Obama’s infamous comment about the “bitter” people who cling to Bibles and guns, and, thus, vote Republican. Obama should have been more concerned about the thugs in “the hood” who only cling to their guns. They’re not reading any Bibles, and their victims are overwhelmingly black Americans.

Hillary Clinton points to conservative rural areas of the country that overwhelmingly voted for Donald Trump and are also overwhelmingly Christian. They’re in the Bible Belt of America or in the Bible Belt of their state.

Hillary says they’re “deplorable and irredeemable.” We are redeemed, but I guess she doesn’t understand that. Now she says we need “formal deprogramming.”

More Mocking

If you needed another example of the left’s hatred of Christianity, we got it yesterday.

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer mocked the Lord’s Supper by having a young woman, a leftist “journalist,” kneel down in front of her while the governor placed a Doritos chip in her mouth.

Several Catholic organizations pointed out it’s not just a mockery of the Eucharist, what we Protestants would call communion or the Lord’s Supper, there was an element of distorted sexuality in it, too.

Whitmer is not just any Democrat governor. She is one of Kamala Harris’s top surrogates. In fact, she played out this disgusting performance while wearing a Harris/Walz hat. I’m waiting for Kamala to condemn her surrogate.

When Joe Biden was forced out of the race, there was a lot of speculation that Whitmer could be the nominee. She was also on the list of possible running mates for Harris.

And that’s not all. This “journalist” asked Whitmer if she ever thought about having a post-birth abortion when her two daughters acted up. They both laughed. Imagine finding the killing of a fully developed child funny. Whitmer replied, “Thank you for raising that because there’s no such thing.”

No, it’s actually infanticide, and, sadly, it is happening.

Harris v. DeSantis

If you haven’t noticed, the vice president has picked a fight with the governor of Florida over hurricane relief efforts. Kamala Harris is evidently furious that Ron DeSantis didn’t take her call earlier this week.

Why should he? In a recent interview, DeSantis said:

“All the storms I've dealt with under this administration, she has never called in Florida or offered any support. She’s trying to inject herself into this because of her political campaign.”

If the Biden/Harris administration spent as much time actually trying to help the people impacted by Hurricanes Helene and Milton as they are labeling any criticism of their failures as “misinformation,” the recovery would already be over!

It’s not hard to find videos online of victims of the storm saying they still haven’t seen FEMA. Orders to deploy Army troops were delayed for at least a week. Why?

Yesterday, Joe Biden again mocked Donald Trump, saying, “Former President Trump — get a life, man, help these people,” referring to the hurricane victims. What?

Hey, Joe, you’re the president. (Supposedly.)

As I noted yesterday, Trump has done more directly out of his pocket than Biden or Harris. Did they make any personal donations to the relief efforts? If they had, we would have heard about it.

The counties hardest hit by Helene and Milton are conservative counties, filled with men and women who love God and America. I am worried about how this could impact the election. And deep in my heart, I believe that politics has prevented the kind of robust response you would normally expect to see.

China’s Smear Campaign

We already knew that communist China, along with Iran and Russian hackers, are all trying to interfere in our elections. By the way, I believe that someday we will discover that a huge number of foreigners are donating to a myriad of left-wing groups to influence our elections, but that’s a discussion for another day.

The latest example of foreign election meddling is a witch’s brew of evil.

Godless Chinese communists are making Christians in China take down pictures of Jesus and replace them with pictures of Xi Jinping. Now, they are accusing lawmakers in America of being tools of the “bloody Jewish consortium.”

One major target is Rep. Barry Moore (R-AL), who is not Jewish. But he has been a leader in getting sanctions imposed on communist Chinese officials trying to harm the United States.

This is a good reminder that if you see antisemitic and anti-Jewish things about anybody online, you should reject that source and the hate it is spewing.

Day Of Atonement

Jews throughout the world will observe Yom Kippur this evening. Yom Kippur is the holiest day of the Jewish year, and it is a solemn day. It is known as the Day of Atonement because it marks God’s forgiveness of His chosen people for the sin of the golden calf.

Many Israelis remember the 1973 Yom Kippur War. Arab armies took advantage of the holiday to launch a surprise attack against Israel. After intense fighting throughout the month of October, Israel ultimately prevailed.

Once again, Israel is fighting for its right to exist against Islamic supremacists who, once again, exploited a Jewish holiday to launch a surprise attack. To many Jews and Israelis, what we call the “October 7th attack” is known as the “Simchat Torah Massacre.”

Please join Carol and me in praying for the peace of Jerusalem and for a peaceful Yom Kippur for our Jewish friends.

Other Headlines

• The Supreme Court rejected the Biden administration’s attempt to force Texas hospitals to perform abortions.

• The Colorado Supreme Court dismissed the latest punitive lawsuit filed by LGBTQ activists against Christian baker Jack Phillips. That’s good. But the fight is not over. The justices dismissed the case on a technicality.

• The Republican National Committee won a key election integrity case in the swing state of Michigan.

• More and more girls’ sports teams are refusing to compete against boys pretending to be girls.

• A judge ruled that the family of Holden Armenta can sue Deadspin for accusing their nine year-old son of wearing blackface at a Kansas City Chiefs game last year. I expect Deadspin will settle the case out of court any day now.