Hunter’s Really Bad Day, The Coverup Continues, Biden’s Decline

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Hunter’s Really Bad Day (And Joe’s?)


Hunter Biden entered a federal courtroom in Wilmington, Delaware, this morning expecting to put his legal troubles behind him. It didn’t go as planned.


Judge Maryellen Noreika had some serious questions for Hunter’s legal team after IRS and FBI whistleblowers testified that Hunter should have been charged with much more serious crimes.


Moreover, federal prosecutors indicated that Hunter Biden is still under investigation, and may yet face additional charges for failing to register as a foreign agent. At that point, Biden’s attorneys declared the plea deal “null and void.”


After a recess, the two sides agreed that Hunter would accept the plea deal with the understanding that it is limited and does not provide any immunity against future charges. 


But Judge Noreika still wasn’t satisfied, saying, “I cannot accept the plea agreement today.” As a result, Hunter Biden entered a plea of “not guilty,” and is now facing the prospect of a full trial.


In other words, Hunter walked into the courtroom thinking he was about to get off relatively scot-free, only to learn that he’s still in serious legal jeopardy. It was a really bad day for Hunter Biden and for Joe Biden!


While the plea deal was a complete joke, the fact that Hunter Biden was there to plead guilty proves he is guilty of tax evasion related to his foreign business schemes. 


But these influence peddling schemes did not begin with Hunter Biden and they do not end with Hunter Biden. They seriously implicate his father, Joe Biden, the sitting president of the United States.  


What happened in a Delaware courtroom today could be the beginning of the end of the Biden crime family.




The Coverup Continues


Many on the left are attempting to dismiss concerns about Hunter Biden’s illegal behavior by suggesting it’s all “water under the bridge” from years ago. No, it’s not. Crimes are still being committed as the coverup continues.


House Republicans filed a brief with the Delaware federal court asking the judge to reject Hunter’s “sweetheart plea deal” based on the testimony of the IRS whistleblowers. 


But one of Hunter’s attorneys is now accused of lying to the federal court in an attempt to hide the IRS whistleblower testimony from the judge.


Yesterday, Senator Charles Grassley went to the floor of the Senate and accused the FBI of “obstructive conduct.” What was that “obstructive conduct”? 


The Bureau deliberately redacted the 1023 form [a transcript from a confidential human source] to coverup the potential evidence of Joe Biden’s criminal activity involving Ukrainian oligarchs.


It’s been reported that the FBI did verify information from the confidential human source. So, what did the FBI do about it? As far as anyone can tell, virtually nothing. 


Apparently, the FBI did relay that information to the man prosecuting Hunter Biden, U.S. Attorney David Weiss. But he doesn’t seem all that interested since he allowed some charges to lapse and he’s already trying to cut plea deals.


The FBI’s behavior is particularly outrageous given how it so aggressively investigated Donald Trump when it was unable to verify anything in Christopher Steele’s infamous lying dossier. 


Even worse, it didn’t take the FBI long to discover that the Steele dossier was false information. (Here and here.) And yet they still continued that witch hunt. 


Now we’re learning that a key figure in David Weiss’s office, Alexander Mackler, was a long-time aide to Joe Biden and a close, personal friend of the whole Biden family. In emails discovered on Hunter’s laptop, Mackler even refers to Hunter as “brother.”


And there are serious allegations that Hunter’s art sales are just a continuation of the family’s influence peddling schemes.




Biden’s Decline


Virtually every day, there’s more evidence that something is deeply wrong with the president. He is failing mentally and physically, and it’s obvious to everyone. 


Joe Biden recently met with Israeli President Isaac Herzog in the Oval Office, and his demeanor was totally bizarre. Biden’s remarks were written out for him on notecards he kept in his lap, and it appeared as though he briefly fell asleep while he stumbled through his prepared statement.


Yesterday, at a White House event on healthcare, Biden said that 100 people died from COVID-19, adding, “That’s 100 empty chairs around the kitchen table.” 


But it gets worse. Biden also declared, “We have ended cancer as we know it.”


This will come as welcome news to millions of Americans battling cancer, but, sadly, it isn’t true.


These “episodes” come on the heels of press reports that the Biden White House is increasingly making accommodations for the president’s declining health.


I take no pleasure in the president’s failing faculties. But this is a growing danger to the American people and to the national security of the United States. 


We have constitutional provisions that allow for the removal of a president who is incapacitated. Someone at the White House needs to put America first. 


Sadly, the image we are projecting of a weak nation in decline isn’t coming just from the Biden White House. 


In the Senate today, Republican Leader Mitch McConnell inexplicably froze as he began a press conference and had to be escorted away by other senators. 


McConnell returned to the podium several minutes later and took questions from reporters. He dismissed concerns that the awkward pause was related to a concussion he suffered after a serious fall in March. Our prayers are with him.




Free Speech Under Siege


Our First Amendment rights in America are under siege like never before. According to a new survey by the Pew Research Center, 55% of Americans say they support efforts by the U.S. government and Big Tech companies to stop the spread of false information. 


This is a huge change from just five years ago when only 39% of Americans held that view and 58% said it was more important to protect free speech and the freedom of information.


To get a number as large as 55%, some Christians and conservatives must have agreed with the idea that the government should stop / censor “false information.” But here’s what a lot of well-meaning people are failing to understand: Who determines what is false information? 


The government and the media told us that Trump colluded with Russia. That was a lie. 


The government and social media said the Hunter Biden laptop story was disinformation. That was a lie. The laptop was real and the FBI censored it.


Are we supposed to blindly trust our lying government? Are we really going to let a Biden Disinformation Board, packed with left-wing hacks, tell us what is true or false? 


Here are some other examples to think about.


  • “Men cannot get pregnant.” That is the truth. But if you call a man who claims to be a woman “Mr.” or “he,” some liberal politicians want to charge you with a crime


  • “The unborn child is a human being.” Not to the people who currently run our government. Joe Biden says no one knows when life begins. That’s a lie. Science tells us life begins at conception.


  • While many scientists agree that the climate is changing, some argue that the science is far from settled and say there’s no definitive proof that global warming is caused by man. Many leftists in the government and the media call that “climate denial,” and insist it is false information. 


  • And don’t even get me started on all the COVID misinformation that came from our own government.


Here’s the bottom line: Every tyrant and every communist government throughout history always tries to shut down free speech in the name of fighting “disinformation.”




Defending Faith, Family & Freedom


While some politicians and pastors might prefer to avoid it, the culture war is very real, and its outcome will determine the fate of our country.  Learn more in my latest "Defending Faith, Family & Freedom" podcast for the James Dobson Family Institute.