Israeli teen misses home but has a mission


Thursday, September 4, 2014
Russ Jones ( Wednesday, September 03, 2014
Members of the Boy and Girl Scouts of Israel are in Memphis, Tenn. teaching about Israel to both Jewish and Christian
Arad Drori is on a two-month service trip and is working at the Jewish Community Center in Memphis.
During Drori's stay here in the U.S., his homeland has been embroiled in a bitter war with Hamas. He says his heart "feels like
it's in Israel," but the war with Hamas makes his presence in the United States even more important.
"Because then I can explain things more and I can really get the community to be supportive about Israel, which it does," he
tells OneNewsNow.
Next year Drori turns 18 and will fulfill his three-year mandatory military service for Israel.
"Everybody wants to be in the army, wants to serve the country," he says.
That's because being in the Israeli army makes its solders feel like they're a "true citizen of the state," he adds.
Drori says he has seen firsthand strong support of Israel from Jews and Christians during his time in the U.S.