McCabe's Firing
There was breaking news in Washington late Friday night that Attorney General Jeff Sessions had fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. Immediately, pundits and politicians on the left, as well as enemies of the president on the right (most notably Arizona Senator Jeff Flake), began pushing false narratives.
Left-wing commentators insisted that Donald Trump was responsible for McCabe's firing. That is beyond fake news. It is a lie.
Andrew McCabe is responsible for the firing of Andrew McCabe. The independent Office of Professional Responsibility determined that McCabe "lacked candor" during testimony before Congress and during interviews with the inspector general's office. That is "Deep State" speak for "he lied."
That was the determination of career bureaucrats at the Justice Department. The Office of Professional Responsibility has been led by Candace Will since her appointment in 2004 by then-FBI Director Robert Mueller. And the Justice Department inspector general was appointed by Barack Obama.
Speaking of lying, in his statement defending himself, McCabe may have implicated James Comey in perjury.
The second lie that was being promoted is that McCabe's firing was politicized. Sen. Jeff Flake said McCabe's firing was "a horrible day for democracy." Speaking on CNN yesterday, Flake added, "To have firings like this happening at the top, from the president and the attorney general, does not speak well for what's going on."
Again, this didn't come from the top. So Flake simply has his facts wrong.
Moreover, the Obama presidency was full of "horrible days for our democracy." The Obama Administration weaponized our intelligence agencies and other government bureaucracies against the Trump campaign and conservatives. Andrew McCabe was a big part of that Obama effort.
Another argument being made is how dirty it was for McCabe to be fired just days before he qualified for a full, generous federal pension. . . at the age of 50. The average American would love to be able to retire at the age of 50.
Numerous sources over the weekend reported that McCabe may be worth as much as $11 million on his $162,000 salary. McCabe may have done well in the stock market. I am not going to shed any tears for him. I am sure his book deal will be announced shortly.
This may be a good time to remember that Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, who has not been charged with colluding with Russia, was also charged with a "lack of candor" when he was interviewed by the FBI. His legal fees have broken him and his family. Gen. Flynn honorably wore the uniform of our country the entirety of his career and he has been treated liked a street criminal.
Multiple liberal members of Congress have offered to hire McCabe so he can get a few more days to qualify for his pension. Can you imagine what the media reaction would be if conservative members of Congress had offered to hire Flynn so he could save his home and return to a secure financial footing?
Deep State Fires Back
James Comey and John Brennan, the former heads of the FBI and the CIA, released statements after McCabe's firing attacking the president of the United States with a level of vitriol that I don't ever recall seeing from people in their positions. Their statements were raw political attacks.
Comey tweeted: "Mr. President, the American people will hear my story very soon. And they can judge for themselves who is honorable and who is not."
Brennan tweeted this:
"When the full extent of your venality, moral turpitude, and political corruption becomes known, you will take your rightful place as a disgraced demagogue in the dustbin of history. You may scapegoat Andy McCabe, but you will not destroy America ... America will triumph over you."
Their statements prove exactly what the president and many of us have been saying. These men were political operatives in service of the left. They had access to sensitive information on every American. If that doesn't scare you, nothing will.
Sharpton Hits The Hill
Reverend Al Sharpton and his allies in the Black Lives Matter movement and the New Black Panther Party are on Capitol Hill today lobbying members of Congress.
Are they lobbying for criminal justice reform? Better school safety measures in the inner cities? Expanding enterprise zones to boost economic opportunity in black communities?
Sadly, their presence on Capitol Hill today has nothing to do with any of those causes.
According to The Daily Caller, more than 100 organizers associated with Sharpton and these radical groups are going door-to-door to lobby members of Congress "to condemn President Donald J. Trump and to leave Louis Farrakhan alone."
Yes, you read that right. Al Sharpton, the New Black Panther Party and the Black Lives Matter movement are all on Capitol Hill today to defend "America's leading anti-Semite," Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.
They are there because Rep. Todd Rokita (R-IN) has introduced a resolution calling on the House of Representatives to condemn Farrakhan for his latest attack against Jews, whom he denounced as "Satanic Jews" and declared to be his "enemies."
After it was revealed that Farrakhan held secret meetings on Capitol Hill with a number of left-wing politicians, including then-Senator Barack Obama, several members of the Congressional Black Caucus have been forced to publicly repudiate Farrakhan's remarks as well as their past support for the Nation of Islam leader.
Evidently, MSNBC host Al Sharpton thinks Farrakhan is a good guy who is getting a bad rap.
MSNBC should fire Al Sharpton immediately for embracing Farrakhan's bigotry!
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