Monday, October 28, 2024 -- MAGA Square Garden, Watching History, Meltdown At The Post

Monday, October 28, 2024

MAGA Square Garden


The Republican Party establishment has been lecturing conservatives for years about the need to build a “big tent” without being so ideological. Donald Trump has built a big tent without giving up anything conservatives believe in – a strong military, strong borders, pro-family, and smaller government.


Last night’s jam-packed rally in Madison Square Garden was an incredible display of the coalition that Donald Trump has created.


After weeks of the “Trump is Hitler” theme, this rally would have sent Adolf Hitler running from the stadium, screaming in distress and anger. It was 20,000 people who believed in faith, family, and freedom.


The speakers included a Hindu, multiple black Americans, and American Jews. By the way, there were many Orthodox Jewish young men scattered throughout the crowd. The iconic Kennedy family was represented by Robert K. Kennedy, Jr., who is Catholic. (See below.)


Another speaker was the most incredible entrepreneur and tech wizard on the face of the globe, Elon Musk. He chose the Republican Party over the party that constantly pushes “fake science,” like pregnant men. Musk is the most powerful force in the world for free speech, something that Adolf Hitler hated.


Thousands of people stood outside, hoping they could somehow get in. They eventually dispersed to bars and restaurants all around the area and asked the managers to put the rally on the TVs, where they sat cheering the event.


Trump brings a lot of new things to the table in terms of issues, how he campaigns, and his political instincts, such as the McDonald’s event. There were women in the crowd last night wearing McDonald’s French fries hats.


Last night, Trump began his remarks with the classic political line made famous by Ronald Reagan. He asked the crowd, “Are you better off today than you were four years ago?” The audience roared, “No!” Then Trump said, “Kamala, you’re fired!”




Watching History


Watching Trump’s rally in Madison Square Garden was truly watching history in the making. A member of the Kennedy family endorsing a Republican presidential candidate is as rare as a unicorn sighting. And this time, we got it on video!


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., the nephew of President John F. Kennedy, blasted his former party with a litany of indictments. Here are some of his remarks:


“This is not the party anymore of Martin Luther King, of Robert Kennedy, of John Kennedy. That was the party of peace. It was the party of constitutional rights, of civil rights, of freedom of speech. . .


“Today’s Democratic Party is the party of war. It’s the party of the CIA. . . It’s the party that is dismantling women’s sports by letting men play women’s sports. It’s the party of Wall Street. It’s the party of Bill Gates. . . The Harris campaign is very proud that it received the endorsement of 50 former CIA agents and officers, and of John Bolton, and of Dick Cheney.”




Trump Meets Faith Leaders


Donald Trump is spending the day in Georgia. He will be holding a rally tonight at Georgia Tech University. Before that, he spoke with more than a thousand pastors and faith leaders at the National Faith Summit.


I flew to the Summit early this morning and dictated most of this report over the phone. I joined many men and women of faith to pray for the week ahead and what will hopefully be a peaceful and prosperous time for America over the next four years.




Harris Invokes God


Kamala Harris spoke at a Pennsylvania church yesterday and suggested that by voting for her, people are helping to do God’s work. She said:


“In just nine days, we have the power to decide the fate of our nation. . . I am reminded God expects us to help Him. We got work to do. . . It is in and within our power to fulfill the promise of America and the promise to create opportunity for every child and to protect our basic freedoms. . .”


Harris has made abortion on demand the central issue of her campaign, which many consider to be the exact opposite of “creating opportunity for every child.” It’s ensuring that children never have any opportunities.


As for protecting our basic freedoms, this administration has led a non-stop assault on our freedoms for the past four years. They are at war with free speech. They are at war with religious liberty. They are at war with the right to defend your family.


But that’s not what she means. Harris is talking about the so-called “freedom” to destroy innocent preborn children in the womb. At a weekend event in Michigan, Michelle Obama took the stage and proceeded to lecture American men about abortion, saying:


“If your wife is shivering and bleeding on the operating room table during a routine delivery gone bad, her pressure dropping as she loses more and more blood, or some unforeseen infection spreads . . . You will be the one pleading for somebody, anybody, to do something.”


There wasn’t much “joy” in her voice as she threatened men to help their wives and girlfriends kill their preborn children.


By the way, Harris was promoting abortion in Houston, Texas, Friday. She had 10 abortionists on the stage in their white coats. There was a medical emergency in the crowd as one of the abortion “doctors” was speaking. Not one of these “medical professionals” left the stage to help.


On second thought, that was probably a good thing. They’re not in the business of saving lives.


But Harris had even bigger problems. Her event was hyped in the media due to an expected appearance by singer and Houston native, Beyonce. While Beyonce spoke to the crowd for a few minutes, she did not perform as many expected. When Harris began speaking and the audience realized they were victims of a “bait and switch,” they made their anger known with a chorus of jeers and boos.





Meltdown At The Post


We told you Friday that the Washington Post is refusing to endorse Kamala Harris. That announcement set off a furious round of bitter infighting at the left-wing media outlet, and it’s a wonderful spectacle to watch!


But over the weekend, I counted the news articles that were in fact anti-Trump editorials masquerading as “news.” There were 30 on Sunday alone. They were articles that never would have been allowed to present themselves as news in any previous era.


In short, the whole paper is one unending screed against Trump, free speech, religious liberty, etc. But the woke staff is furious because the editorial writers could not include a formal endorsement that is written in virtually every news article every day.


In fact, Editor-at-Large Robert Kagan, who is married to former Biden official Victoria Neuland, resigned in protest, as did “race and identity” columnist Michele Norris. So, I guess something was accomplished!




A Stark Choice


What happens over the course of these final days of the 2024 campaign will decide the direction of our country, the fate of our values, and the future of our children and grandchildren. The choice confronting us is clear.


For men and women of faith in particular, it’s an extremely stark choice. Recent events have highlighted the dramatic difference between the candidates.


Read more in my latest opinion piece at The Stream.