Jerusalem Terror
Just over two weeks ago, President Obama and Secretary of State Kerry conspired at the United Nations to declare that it is illegitimate for Jews to live in the "occupied territory" of East Jerusalem. Over the weekend, an ISIS-inspired jihadist took his own action to decrease the number of Jews in "occupied" Jerusalem by killing them.
Fadi al-Qanbar drove his truck into a group of Israeli soldiers as they were getting off of a bus at Jerusalem's Armon Hanatziv Promenade, a major tourism site. Al-Qanbar put his truck in reverse and hit his victims a second time. Four soldiers were killed and 16 were injured.
A White House spokesman issued a perfunctory statement, but there was no comment from the president. Perhaps he was still recovering from his a star-studded farewell party, which lasted until four in the morning. It seems the killing of Jews in Jerusalem is much less controversial than Jews living in Jerusalem.
In Gaza, thousands of people poured into the streets to celebrate this atrocity. Candy was passed out. Hamas leader Fathi Hamad said, "The message of our Islamic party Hamas is a message of encouragement and support for every jihadi who carries out an attack that puts an end to the acts of the Zionist enemy."
By the way, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas recently reached out to Hamas -- a terrorist group dedicated to Israel's destruction -- to be his partner in a new Palestinian unity government.
This is why the constant refrain about a "two-state solution," which even Republican leaders felt compelled to include in a resolution condemning the U.N. Security Council vote, is utter nonsense. You cannot have a Palestinian state whose citizens celebrate the murder of Israelis in Jerusalem, where Jews have lived for 3,000 years.
Iran On The March
Yesterday, a U.S. destroyer, the U.S.S. Mahan, was forced to fire warning shots at several Iranian vessels. Four boats approached the ship at high speed, as if they were planning to ram the Mahan. The Iranian boats failed to respond to repeated radio communications, but three bursts from a .50 caliber machine gun got their attention.
This is just the latest in a series of such provocations. According to a Navy spokesman, there were at least 35 such "unprofessional" interactions with Iranian vessels last year -- 50% more than in 2015. And a new U.N. report indicates that Iran is likely violating an arms embargo by supplying weapons to Hezbollah terrorists.
Shocking! The world's leading state-sponsor of terrorism is still sponsoring terrorists. Yet the U.N., Obama and Kerry are fretting about Jews living in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria.
Once again, we are reaping the bitter fruit of Obama's nuclear deal with Tehran. Since that deal was announced, Iran has not moderated. It has not stopped chanting "Death to America" or "Death to Israel." Instead, there has been a massive increase in Iranian aggression.
The mullahs are on the march. Iran controls Iraq. It controls Syria. It is fomenting unrest in Yemen and throughout the Middle East. It is even bragging about how much Obama surrendered in the deal. More than $10 billion in gold, cash and other assets, according to a Foreign Ministry spokesman.
Meanwhile, the media are attacking Donald Trump, suggesting he will get us into a war for being too tough. The lessons of history, however, teach that weakness invites aggression.
Hollywood Hypocrisy
I don't want to waste your time on the Golden Globe awards. Predictably, Hollywood's liberal elites spent the evening politicizing the event.
Meryl Streep and other starlets who bashed Trump were wearing gowns that cost more than millions of America families live on in a year. According to a Givenchy spokesman, Streep's custom-made dress required four people and 400 hours to design and produce.
It was obscene of Streep to describe the people in Hollywood as somehow oppressed. If you missed it, she said, "All of us in this room, really, belong to the most vilified segments in American society right now. Think about it. Hollywood, foreigners, and the press."
Really, Ms. Streep? Walk a day in the shoes of someone who is conservative, religious and patriotic and get back to me. Endure for just one day the left's vitriol and the media's mockery toward faith, family and freedom -- the values that most Americans cherish.
Go talk to Barronelle Stutzman or Kelvin Cochran about vilification.
I have no tolerance for Hollywood millionaires whining about how set upon they are while wearing dresses that could feed a village, that most Americans could never afford. Give me a break!