DACA Deal?
As you know, President Trump is frustrated with Republican underperformance in Congress, especially in the Senate. So he is looking for ways to advance his agenda, even if it means working with Democrats. A Rasmussen poll yesterday found that much of the country was happy with the president's new bi-partisan outreach.
Last night, President Trump had dinner with House Democrat Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democrat Leader Chuck Schumer. Among the topics they discussed was the DACA program.
This morning, the president woke up to find that Pelosi and Schumer had spun the meeting in a way that made it seem like Trump was caving in to their agenda. He promptly tweeted this morning that their version of events was not correct.
I think the president will find that he may be able to get the votes of some Democrats on some issues, such as tax cuts. But I think he will also discover that Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer will never check their partisanship at the door.
My early take is that this is a left-wing media effort, cooperating with Pelosi and Schumer, to do what they have not yet been able to do -- drive a wedge between the president and his base. Rush Limbaugh said today that there was no way Donald Trump with all his great instincts would agree to an amnesty and abandon the wall.
Speaking to reporters in Florida this morning, President Trump said this:
"We're working on a plan for DACA. People want to see that happen. I think we're fairly close, but we have to get massive border security. If we don't have a wall, we're doing nothing."
I will be surprised if the border wall is part of a DACA deal. That said, there must be significant border security measures included. It cannot be simply an amnesty bill or we will soon find new "dreamers" pouring over the border.
In this atmosphere, it is extremely important that groups like American Values are well-funded in order to keep the Trump/Pence Administration going in the right direction.
If you haven't done so, please stand with me now!
Ms. Manning Goes To Harvard
I nearly lost my breakfast this morning when I heard that Bradley "Chelsea" Manning had been selected to be a Visiting Fellow and lecturer at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.
Just what part of Manning's life experience qualifies "her" to speak to our nation's best and brightest at Harvard's Kennedy School? For those who aspire to be a lecturer at Harvard, what is the best path to take? Betray our country? Or make a cause celeb out of their sexual dystopia?
If Manning were not transgender, would being just a traitor earn "her" the honor? Or if "she" were a transgender but not a traitor, would that do it? Somehow I suspect it was the bizarre combo of being the nation's first transgender traitor that clinched the deal.
Former Obama CIA Deputy Director Michael Morell resigned his position as a Harvard fellow in protest. He blasted Manning's hiring as "wholly inappropriate" and refused to be part of an organization "that honors a convicted felon and leaker of classified information."
The left has said a lot about a "reality star" becoming president. Well, it seems to me that Harvard just made a complete mockery of the Kennedy School of Government!
America The Racist?
Not satisfied with ruining football and helping to tank the NFL's ratings, radical activists are now trying to bring down baseball. Black Lives Matter activists were ejected from a Boston Red Sox game yesterday after they unveiled a large banner that read: "Racism Is As American As Baseball."
One of the demonstrators told reporters, "We are responding to a long history of racism and white supremacy in the United States that continues to pervade every aspect of American culture today."
Here we go again. No one denies the ugly sin of racism in America's past. But the good people of this country have made great strides from eliminating slavery to ending legal segregation. Unfortunately, the progressive left obsesses on what is bad in America and simply refuses to admit there is anything good about it.
This fringe segment of the population is really good at getting attention -- and turning people off. The vast majority of Americans still see this country as a fundamentally fair and decent society.
School Bans Patriotism
Unfortunately, administrators at Vista Del Lago High School in Folsom, California, appear to have adopted the progressive left's view of America. They have reportedly banned students from chanting, "USA!" at sporting events.
According to local media reports, "School officials worry the chants could come across as intolerant and offensive to some." Excuse me?
Further confusing matters, the school's principal insisted that there was no ban on the chant, but added that the chant should be done "at the appropriate times." Well, what exactly is the "appropriate time" to "come across as intolerant and offensive" and how are students supposed to know?