Summit On?
When we left for Memorial Day weekend, the summit between President Trump and North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un had been cancelled. Never have I seen liberals so excited that we weren't talking to one of our enemies. Usually the left loves it when we talk to our enemies, but they were eager to spin the breakdown as a defeat for Trump.
But whenever he was asked how the talks were going, Trump almost always qualified his remarks by saying, "We'll see." Well, it seems the president's willingness to walk away from the negotiating table got Kim's attention.
A top North Korean official is currently on his way to New York City. As Trump has said so many times before, we'll see what comes of it.
But it was incredibly frustrating over the weekend watching all the former Clinton, Bush and Obama officials on all the networks telling us everything that Donald Trump was doing wrong.
Their commentary essentially boiled down to, "This is not how you prepare for a summit." In many cases their analysis was contradictory.
Some complained that Trump was too anxious for a deal. Others warned that he would get us into a war. Some warned that we couldn't trust the North Koreans, while others complained that Trump walked away from the talks.
Let me remind you that these officials are the same people who negotiated multiple deals with North Korea that cost us billions of dollars while enabling the Hermit Kingdom to become a nuclear power. The cherry on top of this mess was lame duck President Barack Obama telling President-elect Donald Trump that North Korea would be his biggest problem.
That was true because for eight years Obama's policy toward North Korea was "strategic patience," meaning he did nothing.
Would EPSN hire a pitcher with a losing record to deliver commentaries on baseball games? (Well, maybe ESPN would.) But would anyone listen? Of course not. Yet all these failed officials think they know better than President Trump.
Another American Freed
During the presidential campaign, Donald Trump told us that we would win so much we would get tired of winning. Well, one thing I won't get tired of is seeing American hostages being freed from hellhole prisons around the world.
Over the weekend, Josh Holt was freed from a Venezuelan prison where he had been held for nearly two years without trial. So far, 17 Americans have been freed during Trump's presidency.
Here's a question every American should ask themselves: How is this president, who we are constantly told is "reckless," "demented" and "insane," having so much success in getting our citizens freed?
Left Targets Trump, Hits Obama
A cringe-inducing photo of children sleeping on the floor in a fence-like cage made the rounds on social media this weekend. It was held up by the left as proof that Trump's immigration policies are "inhumane," "Guantanamo for kids" and a "sick crime against humanity."
The editor of the New York Times Magazine retweeted the photo, as did a CNN reporter and numerous left-wing celebrities, including Women's March leader Linda Sarsour.
But there's just one problem. It turns out that the photo which so outraged the left was taken in 2014 when Barack Obama was president.
Whoops! As liberals rushed to delete their posts, a two-word message flooded social media -- "Never mind."
McCarthy vs. Mueller
If you are trying to keep up with the ebb and flow of the Russia collusion investigation, I highly recommend former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy's columns at National Review.
If the American media truly valued journalism, McCarthy would win the Pulitzer. But he won't because his columns don't fit the narrative that the overwhelming majority of left-wing reporters are attempting to spin.
Here is one point in his recent column that deserves your attention. Whenever an appropriate oversight committee asks the Justice Department, the FBI and other national security agencies to see information explaining the basis of the Russia investigation, they are stonewalled on the grounds of protecting national security secrets.
Eventually, Congress gets some details and it turns out that national security wasn't jeopardized by its release. This charade has played out time and time again. Here's how McCarthy explains the concern:
"Their Chicken Little shrieks that public disclosure of FISA warrants and texts between FBI agents would imperil security have proven overblown at best (and, in some instances, to be cynical attempts to hide embarrassing facts). 'Trust us' is not cutting it anymore.
"In the end, it is not about who the spies are. It is about why they were spying. . . Enough bobbing and weaving, and enough dueling tweets. Let's see the evidence."
One is left with the suspicion that the ability to hide their tracks is precisely why Obama officials launched a counterintelligence investigation against the Trump campaign and not a criminal investigation. Not only are the rules and tools different, it gave them the ruse of national security to hide behind.
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