To: Friends & Supporters
From: Gary L. Bauer
The Hour Is Late
I spent all day yesterday privately talking with conservative leaders about this critical hour in our nation’s history. While we have differences on strategy and priorities there was widespread agreement on these stark facts: our constitutional republic is in danger. Our Judeo-Christian foundation is under attack. The basic institution of marriage is being transformed. The sanctity of life is under siege. Religious liberty is being chipped away. Here at American Values we expect 2014 to be a key year in the great battle to save our beloved country.
I trust you know enough about my work in Washington to understand why we need you to stand with us. December is the most important month of the year for groups like American Values to raise the resources we need to fight the good fight. So far this December we are falling massively behind what we need to do the work ahead.
I am making a heart-felt request that you go right now to and make the most generous gift you are able to make to support our work. We really need you my friends. Again, go to right now. Thank you and God Bless you.