Thursday, December 19, 2013

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Defend The Duck Commander!

As many of you know by now, A&E, the Arts & Entertainment Network, has "indefinitely" suspended Phil Robertson from its highest-rated show, "Duck Dynasty." Why? Because Robertson dared to speak openly about his biblically-based values on marriage and human sexuality during a GQ interview.

When asked by GQ about his views on homosexuality, Robertson quoted Scripture and, as his many fans appreciate, he elaborated in his own colorful way.

The militant homosexual movement immediately went on the attack, demanding Robertson be fired from the show. This movement, which has wrapped itself in the language of tolerance, is in fact intolerant of men and women of faith and is determined to punish anyone who dares to speak up for biblical values.

Just ask Christian photographers, florists, bakers or college administrators who have been raked over the coals, taken to court and essentially persecuted for their faith. You can add Phil Robertson to that growing list.

A&E's knee-jerk reaction caused even one homosexual columnist to ask, "Why is our go-to political strategy for beating our opponents to silence them? Why do we dismiss, rather than engage them?" He added, "I wonder if the Duck Dynasty fiasco says more about our bigotry than Phil's." I couldn't agree more. In addition, Senator Ted Cruz, Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh all spoke out in defense of the Duck Dynasty star.

Men and women of faith must stand up and defend our First Amendment rights of free speech and religion!

TAKE ACTION: Petitions defending Phil Robertson are great, but A&E needs to hear from you now. Contact them at

The attack on Phil Robertson is another reminder of why your support for American Values is so important and so urgently needed. Please don't forget us as you make your year-end charitable giving decisions.

Obama Calls In Left-Wing Hatchet Man

A major theme of Obama's presidency is his claim to unity. He rose to fame after delivering the keynote address at the 2004 Democrat National Convention in which he talked about values that unite us. But as we have learned -- most recently with his Obamacare pledge being labeled the "Lie of the Year" -- what Obama says can't be always trusted.

Reeling from falling poll numbers, the Obama White House has decided to do what previous White Houses have done -- bring in someone new. After his party got shellacked in the 1994 elections, Bill Clinton famously brought in Dick Morris, who pushed Clinton to the political center.

So who did Obama bring in to help "right the ship"? John Podesta. For those who don't follow D.C. personalities, Podesta's reputation is not that of a consensus builder, but rather a left-wing hatchet man.

Previously, Podesta ran the far left Center for American Progress, a George Soros-funded outfit. And his brother, Tony, was a founding president of the radical group People for the American Way.

His new appointment does not bode well for compromise. In fact, one reporter wrote that Podesta's hiring "represents the clearest sign to date of the administration's interest in shifting the paradigm of Obama's presidency through the forceful, unapologetic and occasionally provocative application of White House power."

Not surprisingly, Podesta is already in hot water for recent remarks comparing congressional Republicans to the murderous and suicidal cult led by Jim Jones. A few months ago, Podesta said that the Obama White House should "focus on executive action given that they are facing a second term against a cult worthy of Jonestown in charge of one of the houses of Congress." In 1978 more than 900 of Jones' followers, including at least 300 children, were poisoned in a mass suicide in Guyana.

Speaker John Boehner's office was furious about Podesta's White House assignment. A spokesman for Boehner told reporters, "For those who've forgotten, a Democratic member of Congress was murdered in Jonestown and a current one, Rep. Jackie Speier, was shot five times during the same incident. If this is the attitude of the new White House, it's hard to see how the president gets anything done again."

Steel yourselves, my friends. It's going to be a rough ride.