Pray For The Persecuted Church
Friday, my wife, Carol, asked readers of her Capital Prayer Alert to pray for Christians and Jews facing persecution overseas. Recent headlines only reinforce the urgency for men and women of faith to pray without ceasing.
There are reports from Syria that Father Frans van der Lugt, a 75 year-old Catholic priest, was assassinated today by militant Islamists in the city of Homs. Father van der Lugt lived in Syria for decades. He spoke fluent Arabic and was well-regarded for his humanitarian work.
Even as the civil war wreaked havoc on the city of Homs, Father van der Lugt refused to leave and continued ministering to the few remaining Christians there. He recently told a news agency, "The Syrian people have given me so much, so much kindness, inspiration and everything they have. If the Syrian people are suffering now, I want to share their pain and their difficulties."
Reports say that the motive for his murder is unclear, as if radical Islamists require much of an excuse to kill Christians. They don't think twice about killing fellow Muslims. Reuters reported yesterday that Islamic extremists attacked a mosque in Nigeria, killing more than a dozen people.
The attack was reportedly carried out by adherents of the group Boko Haram, which means "Western teaching is forbidden." According to Reuters, "They regard all who do not subscribe to their austere, al-Qaeda inspired brand of Islam, whether Christian or Muslim, as apostates…"
Meanwhile, there is a remarkable story out of Wenzhou, China. The city is sometimes called the "Jerusalem of the East" due to its rapidly growing Christian population. Christians in Wenzhou have spent millions of dollars and six years building the Sanjiang church to accommodate thousands of worshippers. It also includes a retirement home for elderly Chinese Christians who do not have children in the area.
But Communist Party officials ordered it to be demolished after a party leader recently visited Wenzhou and was infuriated by the grandeur of the Sanjiang church. Imagine that -- a bureaucrat doesn't want anything to compete with the government for the people's love or loyalty.
To the surprise of many, local Christians are not quietly acquiescing to the communists' demands. For days now, hundreds of Chinese Christians have formed a human shield around the church, day and night, to protect it from bulldozers.
I would like to think Christians here would show the same courage when confronted by overbearing government dictates. But, sadly, I have seen so many compromises -- in the name of compassion, of course -- when it comes to issues like life and marriage that I can already hear the arguments from those who say that confrontation is no way to win hearts and minds.
But sometimes it is necessary to turn over a few tables. As big government increasingly tramples our First Amendment liberties, the necessity of civil disobedience by men and women of faith becomes more likely.
"The New Fascism"
Friday we reported on the resignation of former Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich. The left's intolerance in forcing Eich from his job has gotten a lot of coverage in the past few days.
Yesterday on ABC's "This Week," former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich labeled Eich's removal an example of the left's "new fascism." Gingrich said:
"This is just the most open and blatant example of the new fascism, which says if you don't agree with us 100%, we have the right to punish you. …I think the question is: Do you want to live in an open and tolerant society, or do you want to impose your views at the cost of people's jobs?"
Today, Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA) went to the floor of the House of Representatives and spoke out against this "new fascism." Here are some of his remarks:
"Mr. Speaker, our nation was founded on two core principles: freedom of speech and freedom of religion, both of which are contained in the First Amendment of the Constitution. … Regardless of your views on marriage, any American who values the First Amendment should be deeply troubled that [Brendan Eich] was essentially driven from his job because of his personal beliefs. …
"Nowhere have I read that Mr. Eich ever discriminated against coworkers. In fact, by all accounts, he is a fair and honorable employer. Yet because of his private beliefs about traditional marriage, which I share, he has been demonized and his livelihood compromised.
"As troubling as this particular incident is, the chilling effect it will have on broader issues of free speech cannot be overstated… I understand that reasonable people can disagree on issues. In fact, robust debate in the public square is itself an American hallmark. But what happened last week was not debate.
"It was the stifling of debate. It was the silencing of dissent. It was the compromising of two of our nation's most cherished principles: free speech and freedom of religion. The implications are vast and deeply troubling. We should all be concerned. I know I am."
Kudos to Rep. Wolf! More voices on Capitol Hill should be speaking up just as forcefully for free speech and religious liberty.