PC Rot At FBI, Trump vs. Putin, The Left-wing Mind, Repeal Your Rights

Tuesday, March 27, 2018


I know there are many good men and women at the FBI.  I have assumed that whatever problems exist in the Bureau were limited to a few bad apples at the top.  But lately I am growing more concerned that eight years of Barack Obama, Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch may have fatally infected the agency with left-wing ideology. 
After Muslim extremist Omar Mateen killed 49 people in Orlando, we learned that he had previously been investigated by the FBI after co-workers expressed concerns about his comments and behavior.  The FBI found nothing. 
Now we are learning that Seddique Mateen, Omar's father, was an informant for the FBI for 10 years.  If he had no clue that his own son was a jihadist, I question the value of all the information he was feeding the FBI. 
But more importantly, did that relationship unduly influence the FBI's investigation of Omar Mateen?
Last week, Hafiz Kazi drove a minivan into the main gate of Travis Air Force Base.  His van was loaded with propane and gas tanks.  The FBI field office held a press conference and said it could not find any nexus to terrorism and has no explanation for the attack. 
Did they forget Fort Hood shooter Nidal Hasan?  Did they forget the attacks in Little Rock and Chattanooga?  Are they really mystified as to why Kazi might try a car-bomb attack against a U.S. military base?
Remember the attack on Rep. Steve Scalise?  The shooter, James Hodgkinson, was an extreme leftist.  He regularly visited websites that urged attacks on Republicans.  He had a "hit list" of Republican congressmen. He took pictures of the baseball field. 
On the day of the shooting, he asked which team was practicing.  When he learned it was the Republican team, he opened fire. 
The FBI held a press conference and told the American people that Hodgkinson's attack was a "spontaneous" event with no evidence of political motivation.
Yesterday, Fox News broke the shocking story of Matt Schrier, a photographic journalist who was captured by Al Qaeda in Syria.  The Mueller/Comey FBI lied to his family.  After Schrier escaped, he investigated his own kidnapping and it appears that the Bureau was more interested in using Schrier for intelligence gathering than rescuing him.
This daily report goes all over Washington, D.C., including to the highest levels of government.  I don't know if Director Christopher Wray reads it, but he might consider taking a hard look at what eight years of left-wing leadership has done to his agency.
Trump vs. Putin
As we reported yesterday, President Trump has ordered the expulsion of 60 Russian diplomats and intelligence agents.  According to the Associated Press, "Monday's expulsions appear to involve the largest number of Russians kicked out of the United States since 1986, when the Reagan Administration expelled 55."
In other words, in spite of all the aggression by Vladimir Putin in the past two decades, Donald Trump has done more to punish Russia than George W. Bush and Barack Obama. 
When Russia invaded Ukraine, Obama sent socks and meals.  Trump is sending missiles
Russia has been described as "a gas station with nuclear weapons."  Obama tried to gut our energy industry, while Trump has unleashed it. 
Obama gutted our defense budget, spent time pushing transgenderism in the military and tied the hands of our soldiers in combat.  Trump is rebuilding our military and has taken the handcuffs off our troops.  When they were attacked by Russian mercenaries in Syria, the Russians were obliterated.  [Warning: Graphic language.]
The idea that Trump is weak on Russia is laughable.  And if Putin had something on Trump, I suspect we'd be reading about it by now.
By the way, the latest Fox News poll found that 57% of voters believe that Russia's goal in meddling in the 2016 election was simply to cause chaos.  Only 21% believe Russia was trying to help elect Donald Trump. 
That's encouraging.  In a deeply divided country, 57% of voters reject the Big Media, left-wing narrative about collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign.
The Left-wing Mind
California's attorney general announced that he is suing the Trump Administration.  Yes, again.  Why?  Because the White House wants to ask people filling out the 2020 census whether they are citizens.  Apparently the argument of Attorney General Becerra is that it is illegal to ask an illegal if he is illegal.
Repeal Your Rights?
Former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens is publicly calling for the repeal of the Second Amendment.  He also suggests that Congress should ban "civilian ownership of semiautomatic weapons."
This is big news, my friends, because that is the left's agenda.  All the hype around the March For Our Lives isn't about commonsense measures to protect schools or even so-called "assault weapons." 
The left's agenda is anti-Second Amendment.  Period.  And Stevens is not an outlier.
A recent poll by the Economist asked two very revealing questions.  The first question asked whether we should ban all handguns except those issued to law enforcement.  Self-identified Democrats split 44% yes to 46% no.
The second question asked whether we should repeal the Second Amendment.  Again, Democrats were almost evenly divided -- 39% said yes, while 41% said no.
That divide was reflected in the Supreme Court's 2008 Heller decision, which upheld the Second Amendment right of individuals to own a firearm for self-defense.  It was a 5-to-4 decision. 
Justice Anthony Kennedy was part of that one-vote majority, and there have been persistent rumors for months that Kennedy wants to retire.

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